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Hello! It’s Tuesday, can you believe it? It just goes to show that even a 3 day weekend goes by too fast when you’re doing great stuff. Here’s a recap of my weekend.

Friday night. You know.

Also on Friday night, Mexican Train. We chose trains in red, white and blue in honor of the Memorial Day weekend.

Saturday we did some stuff at home in the morning and my new Baggallini Everywhere bag arrived. Yes, Kym blogged about hers on Thursday and I immediately ordered one for myself. I love it already – it’s lightweight and has lots of pockets and plenty of room. We went to a pow wow in the afternoon. I always love the music and the dancing at those events.

We came home to another beautiful night on the deck.

Sunday morning coffee on the deck with Mason. We bring him outside occasionally in the evening and he’s really good about staying in one of our laps. He looked so forlorn on Sunday when I headed out that I decided to see if he would stay with me in the daytime, too. He did pretty well for about 20 minutes and then he tried to make a break for it over the back of the couch and I put him inside.

I went to a baby shower in the afternoon and then we treated ourselves to lobsters in celebration of the first weekend of the summer. They were fabulous!


Monday was rainy and chilly. Jess and Hannah came over to finalize plans for Patrick’s upcoming graduation party (I know. I can’t believe he’s graduating from high school either.) And then we all went out for pizza and salad. It was fun to spend time with our girls.

I also finished the book Shadow Land, giving me my first Bingo square of the summer. I spent some time with my card making plans for some of the other squares, too. Only 24 more before I get my cover all!

How was your weekend?

Comments (12)

  1. Yours sounds so much better than mine. I slugged through a Memorial Day Weekend cold (allergies don’t settle in the chest). Or perhaps it’s an allergy/cold combo. Jackpot! Improving though.

  2. We spent it visiting family and watching their girls so the parents could get away. It was fun to get to know the kids on their own since we don’t see them often. Ready to go home today. No place like home.

  3. Oh, Carole. The food. I haven’t eaten breakfast yet . . . but now I’m wanting some pizza. And maybe a lobster. (Drool.) (And I LOVE the bag!!! My blue one seems so . . . dull . . . now that I’ve seen your orange one.)

  4. I don’t even carry a bag to speak of and I want that orange one! Looks like a great weekend Carole…bring on the next one!

  5. Oh, the food! Like Kym, I haven’t had breakfast, but I may be skipping it in favor of some wonderful, decadent pizza!

  6. oh boy, the food part of your weekend looks especially tasty! looks like you got summer off to a great start!

  7. I was sick over the weekend, so love having the chance to enjoy the weekend vicariously. Bagalinis are the best!

  8. I’m so happy to have this week be a short one! Your weekend looks relaxing and wonderful. Ours was much the same. My Baggalini bag is smaller than yours (I think) and I love, love it!

  9. oh boy lobster! mine was filled with laughs, fun cocktails, great food and hanging with 2 adorable little boys.

  10. Along with just about everyone else, I think the food you ate this weekend looks fabulous. It was a quiet weekend for us. I had just started on antibiotics for my bronchitis and spent most of the weekend resting and coughing. I did finish a book for my Bingo.

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