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Currently, Spring (?) 2018

It’s the first day of spring! Hooray! And it feels nothing like spring and we’re under a winter storm watch for tomorrow and Thursday. Booo! Here’s what’s going on with me, currently.

Trying: To look my best all the time because that’s the life of a candidate. And feeling jealous of all the male politicians out there who don’t have this added to the list of things that they have to do.

Reading: Hum If You Don’t Know the Words. It’s excellent but my reading time is so limited right know that I’m having a hard time finishing it.

Loving: Fridays with Jack!

Watching: We caught up with the latest season of Grace & Frankie and loved it. We’ve only watched 2 episodes of Stranger Things and it just hasn’t grabbed me yet. And we haven’t watched any episodes of Homeland yet.

Sleeping: Better since I started using the essential oil blend of coconut oil, lavender and cedar wood we made on Sunday. Plus it smells great!

Eating: Healthier as much as possible. I’m really committed to bringing lunch from home and have been for about 6 months. It has saved me money and it tastes better and only takes a bit of planning on my part. Also, lots of hard boiled eggs. They are so easy to make in the Instant Pot and the perfect little low cal protein filled snack.

Drinking: More and more tea. I love licorice tea and also ginger tea. Yogi tea has great inspirational quotes on the tags, too.

Listening: In the car, podcasts, including Happier in Hollywood, This American Life, All the Books, and Radiolab. At home, Spotify. I love the Daily Mixes, Release Radar and Time Capsule playlists.

Planning: Easter Dinner. It will be a nice break from the campaign stuff and I’m looking forward to a relaxing day with family and friends.

Hosting: A Meet & Greet tonight at the public library. It’s open to everyone and if you’re local I hope you’ll come.

Hoping: The spring weather arrives soon!

Comments (14)

  1. LOVE Grace and Frankie…Hysterical.
    Took me time to get into Stranger things but did it.
    You look fabulous and I hope you rock this campaign!!!!

  2. I think you look great, but then of course I always think you look great. And if it’s any consolation, I *do* judge the look of the male candidates as well. A guy was running for a local office here and he was such a slob, I just couldn’t bring myself to vote for him. Shallow but true. (That will probably be on my tombstone …)

  3. Well…., Joe Kennedy III (is he your rep?) did have to apply that lip gloss.

  4. Have fun tonight! One of the good things about politics is that you get to deal with some interesting, creative and caring people; one of the bad things about politics is that you get to deal with “interesting” people.

  5. You look great all the time!! I almost always pack a lunch and usually plan for leftovers in my cooking. I can’t believe that I made a dozen hard-boiled eggs in the IP last night and forgot to grab one this morning!! 🙂

  6. You look great! I enjoy choral singing and licorice tea is one of my favorites, especially after a long rehearsal or before a big concert, it is very soothing to the throat. Good luck with your event tonight!

  7. You always look great, Carole. It’s that winning smile and your twinkling eyes that do the trick! 🙂
    I didn’t like Homeland even a little bit, and Stranger Things appeals to me Not At All. But I do love Grace and Frankie, and I’ve finally convinced Tom to watch Longmire with me! (We’re so bad at television.) I LOVE hard boiled eggs — the perfect snack or light lunch. XO

  8. You are always so busy, and you always look put together and polished, so no worries on that front. Yes, men have to look “neat”, but that’s actually very easy. They don’t have to worry if their makeup is holding up, etc. So, YES, men have it much easier in the appearance category. Someday after I die, women will realize that it’s ok to just be neat and clean. Until then, .

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