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Happy Monday, friends! And yes, I said happy Monday. Happy because it’s full of memories of a great weekend at home. I have photos to share with you, illustrating all the little things that added up to a great weekend.

On Friday there was breakfast with a friend and then time in the afternoon with this little guy.

Dale had to work with the band Friday night so Sean and I went out dinner together. I missed winding down the week with Friday Night Snacks and a cocktail but the fabulous food and great company more than made up for it. Plus, change is good and it was fun to go out on a Friday night for a change.

I had tuna tartare for my appetizer. So delicious!

And scallops for dinner. Also really good. We shared a dessert of lemon bread pudding with blackberry ice cream. No photos but we ate it before I got the chance.

On Saturday Dale started a painting project we’ve been planning for over a year! While he did that I did some clean up/reorganizing of my craft room. I need to make some changes in there, possibly creating space for a desk so that I have space for the papers and assorted things that go along with being a selectman. In the afternoon we headed to Home Depot to check out chairs for around the fire pit. A text from Sean turned into a flurry of other texts and before I knew it we were hosting the first fire of the season.

We have plans for new gravel and some other improvements to the side yard but Saturday night was all about just being around the fire with friends on a lovely spring evening. It was great to catch up and relax.

On Sunday Dale painted woodwork and I hung around downstairs. After breakfast I read, scoured Pinterest for outdoor living ideas, did a little art journaling, and a fair amount of day dreaming. We went to Lowe’s in the afternoon to get paint for the walls and while there ended up buying a new outdoor table and chairs. I’m really excited for the things we are planning for our outdoor space and you can be sure I’ll share them all with you as they evolve.

We wound down the weekend with Sunday Night Snacks, which, while not as wonderfully relaxing as Friday ones, are still pretty awesome.

How was your weekend?

Comments (12)

  1. I just love planning for the new season out in the yard/garden! I can’t wait to see what you’ve got planned. Although it’s finally sunny here, it hasn’t been warm enough for comfortable outdoor-sitting or drinks-on-the-patio yet. But soon! XO

  2. When I go out for dinner with a friend, the food almost never looks that posh. Not that we eat at McDonald’s, but I clearly need to up my game.

  3. I am itching to get some outdoor time here as well! It has either been too rainy, too cold, or too windy to have cocktails and/or a fire here. But, I am hoping soon! It looks like you had a great weekend!

  4. A great weekend is often a collection of small, wonderful, and spontaneous things that don’t get to happen during the week, and this one surely was that! Your outdoor plans sound wonderful, and if the weather predictions are right, this upcoming weekend will definitely be an outdoor one.

  5. We’ve been working on our patio space and also look forward to enjoying time out in our new space. I just planted 10 pots with flowering plants and can’t wait to see how they grow and develop in the warmer weather. You are often an inspiration for how to fix up a fun space for entertaining and relaxing.

  6. I’m waiting for the weather to warm up a bit (hopefully by tomorrow) for outdoor activities. Although the sunshine is lovely, it has been unusually cold here in Illinois! Hope you enjoy some outdoor time this week!

  7. I missed a bit of Saturday getting that blanket done but it was certainly a nice day with promise of days to come! Glad you had a great weekend and were able to spend time around the fire!

  8. Our normal planting time is May 15. The weather seems to want to hold warm so I may take a chance earlier. Mexican food is our weekend treat.

  9. Sounds like you had a great weekend! And fires, outside, with friends? The best.
    We had a very lazy weekend. Needed that, I guess (tried really hard not to think about all the things we should have done).

  10. What a delightful, delicious weekend! I’m so happy spring is springing up there and I look forward to seeing the outdoor (and indoor) spaces evolve!

  11. Your poppy is lovely and Jack’s smile-well how do you describe that?!

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