Our Bird Buddy continues to be popular with the feathered friends who visit our backyard…
Three On Thursday
I’m really good at sharing my monthly photo mosaic with you all but when it comes to the monthly one second videos? I tend to forget. This may be my subconscious taking over because I just don’t think my video skills are all that great but still, if I’m going to the work and effort to take a daily video and then compile the 1.5 second clips I should share them with you.
And so . . . not surprisingly since it’s Thursday . . . I have three to show you today.
March 2018
April 2018
May 2018
Even when the videos are lame and the quality isn’t that great . . . it’s still a pretty fun way to look back over a month . . . or three. The fun of watching them is what keeps me engaged, at least.
If you wrote a post for this Thursday please share your link below. Thanks for playing along!
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I think it’s an awesome way for our grandkids to be able to look back into a slice of our lives even when our skills aren’t perfect. <3
Here is the crazy part… some months feel that short! A few seconds and they are over!
I love making my 1-second-videos each month. It’s so much fun to watch the months roll by . . . quick as a flash.
I never remember to use my app. Oh well, I love watching all my friends 1 sec vids
That one second thing is so interesting. I will have to check it out.
Thanks for sharing them all together, Carole – I love watching (and rewatching) these. They tell such a fun story, completely different from the ones I our photo mosaics do.
I love those videos!! I’m getting much better at remembering to take a video everyday, too. It’s only taken a year. 😉
The one thing better than a picture of Jackie is a video of Jackie. He is one personable little guy. The one second videos are fun to watch—thanks!
One of these months, I will “finally” start snagging a video each day – I love the concept but have been lucky to get pics most days – definitely something to focus on. What fun snippets you have collected!