Three On Thursday

Ooof, what a week, eh? I’m feeling a little random (and cranky and edgy) so today I’ll just share 3 things that are on my mind right now.

My high school yearbook entry. Without getting all political (but y’all know me well enough to know where I stand) I want to just say that I don’t have a problem being judged (hahaha) by what I put in my high school yearbook. Well, I should clarify that and said go ahead and judge me for that hairdo but my words? We’re good with those. I mean, Yearbook staff, French Club, Wheaton College and “strawberries forever”? Hard to translate that into something that’s going to bite me in the ass when I apply for a job 35 years later.

White Flower Farm Amaryllis. I sent an email to Bonny and Kym last week saying that I was ready to pull the trigger and order amaryllis bulbs from WFF. They both responded with enthusiasm (damn enablers) and recommendations and I ordered . . . 3. One arrived on Saturday and should be in bloom for Christmas. The others will come later and will brighten the days after Christmas which, frankly, is when I’ll really be seeking something alive and lovely. Should you wish to order something lovely for your ownself, I’d love it if you used my link. You get a coupon for $10 off and I get $10 credit and we all get awesome flowers.

Jackie is ONE TODAY! It’s a cliché to ask where the time goes but, as is often the case, it’s a cliché because it’s true. It’s just hard to believe that one year ago he was this tiny little baby and now he’s this big chunky baby who has completely stolen my heart. And everyone else’s, too. He has brought so much joy to our family and I can’t even remember what it was like before him.

And that’s all I have for this week! If you wrote a post for today please include your link below and thanks for participating.

Comments (17)

  1. I was just thinking last night that Jackie’s birthday must be right around the corner! Happy birthday, little Jackie!! XO As you know (ahem), I’m in a cranky-phase myself right now. Maybe the weather? (But I’m thinking . . . politics. . . ) Amaryllis and baby-birthdays (and friends to crank with) will surely help turn things around. XOXO

  2. Thanks for the reminder about amaryllis. Last year I had to get along with one from Home Depot and the White Flower Farm ones are so much nicer. And thanks for the coupon! And, of course, thanks for the Jackie pictures.

  3. Happy birthday , Jackie!

    And while I was pretty much over high school by my senior year, nothing in my yearbook more embarrassing than my perfect Farrah Fawcett hair. (It probably took me the next 20 years to spend as much time on my hair as in my four years of HS!)

  4. I’m glad you ordered two amaryllis like those damn enablers suggested. I’m definitely going to order some for myself with your link, so the circle of enabling continues! Jackie also brings delight to your readers when you share photos, so I hope he has a very Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday Jackie! And I also perused the amaryllis but didn’t pull the trigger. Thanks for the reminder. 🙂

  6. Thanks for the amaryllis reference, and the $10 link! I ordered the amaryllis trio. It will be good to have them again! My kitchen sink is in a wedge of East and South windows – a perfect amaryllis growing spot!

  7. Happy Birthday to Jack! That first year is such an amazing journey for a little one and their entire family. Strawberry Fields forever – I love it.

  8. I ordered a bunch of amaryllis a couple of weeks ago and then with Kym’s link I ordered even more! Talk about being enabled. I need as many beautiful things around me now as I can gather. (Are Halloween witches, beautiful? haha). We need to bring as much joy and beauty into our lives as we can in these horrific times. Jackie is SO darling! Glad I saw him on Instagram yesterday. XO

  9. ha ha ha…. I’ll be interested in the post that shows all the beautiful things you grow with all your discounted White Flower Farm purchases! Consider me grateful to be reminded and enabled as well! 🙂

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