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Three On Thursday

I’ve got 3 random things for you today. I guess you could say they are 3 recommendations, one to watch, one to listen to, and one to read.

  1. Dale and I have been watching Band of Brothers on HBO Demand. It’s from way back in 2001 but it escaped us at that time, probably because we were in the throes of kids and full time jobs and more but a friend recommended it recently and I’m glad he did. Well. Glad might not be the right word because it’s actually rather difficult to watch. But it’s also historic and important and a good way to learn more about WWII. It does always lead me back to the question I’ve had my entire life: who decided that the best way to resolve a disagreement would be to see who can kill the most people and make them the winner? Why not brain twisters or mind games instead? Our world would be a very different place if we resolved things that way
  2. I recently started listening to the podcast 1619 from the New York Times. It’s part of the 1619 Project, which, in their words aims to reframe the country’s history, understanding 1619 as our true founding, and placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are. It’s excellent. Like Band of Brothers, there are things about it that will break your heart, but it’s so important to understand the history of slavery in our country and to acknowledge how systemic racism actually is in our society. I’ve found it to be wonderful and highly recommend it.
  3. Finally, I’m currently reading The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates. It’s fabulous, with strong characters, a vivid setting, plenty of history, and enough magical realism to make me love it even more than I would if it was strictly grounded in reality.

That’s what I’ve got for you this week. Happy Thursday and don’t forget to share your post today if you wrote one.

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Comments (9)

  1. I’ve never seen Band of Brothers but will look for it. I am listening to the 1619 podcast and it’s fascinating. My hold on The Water Dancer ought to be available in about six months (really!), but it will still be a good book, maybe more so because I’ve waited for it. Thanks for the recommendations!

  2. I started watching Band of Brothers a few years ago and couldn’t stomach all the killing, so I didn’t make it through the first disc. But I agree with you that anything would be better than killing each other to settle disagreements!

    Glad to hear the good review of Coates’ newest. I’ve heard only good things!

  3. I was fairly early in the library queue for The Water Dancer and I should be getting the book soon! I am very excited to read it – and even more so with your teaser! Hmm, I am adding Band of Brothers to my list of things to watch as inside time increases over the next few months! Thank you for the recommendation!

  4. As usual, three excellent and thoughtful recommendations. Thanks, Carole. My husband and I have watched Band of Brothers many times, and I think it probably captures the horror and camaraderie of war. It was done so well!

  5. I’ve seen Band of Brothers so many times I can quote dialogue. (Seriously. The men in my life are ALL big fans and seem to never tire of it.) The wait for The Water Dancer is so long at my library that I used an Audible credit to purchase it! It’s next up in my reading queue. And I, too, have been listening to the 1619 podcast! What a great post, Carole! Good recommendations all around. XO

  6. I didn’t realize The Water Dancer was laced with magical realism–I sometimes struggle with that genre. But I’m looking forward to the book.

  7. 1619 is my favorite podcast of this year! I can’t wait for it to drop on Friday’s. I preordered The Water Dancer on Audible, but haven’t started listening to it as I usually fall asleep whilst listening or reading!

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