I think I lost sight of my word for a little while last month. The…
One Little Word Update: February 2022
I’m late with this post because of the time I took off from the blog but here I am anyway with my monthly One Little Word update. The best news is that my stuff from Ali Edwards arrived and I was able to transfer all of the things I had written in January into my new journal.
And then I moved on to the February prompt.
I read all the documentation, watched all the videos, and got out my magazines and catalogs and started cutting out photos for my new vision board. I decided to create it right in my OLW journal instead of on a bigger board and I’m very happy with the results.
I also, following the prompt, created a mind map for my word. I identified areas in my life where I feel like practice will make things better or happier or more authentic. And I embellished it with butterflies because . . . I like butterflies.
These may not look like much, they may be very simple ways of connecting with myself and my word, but they have a major impact because the act of arranging a vision board, the act of creating a mind map, requires that I spend time quietly that I sit and daydream and contemplate. I think about how practice looks and feels and then I use the things I identify to produce a tangible focal point. I was resistant to this whole concept until last year and now I look forward to it.
And now I’m on to March and finding new ways to make practice work it’s way even further into my life.
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If it’s a helpful process for you, then keep practicing it. : )
Wow! You are off to a great start, Carole! I love every bit of this! XO
I’m not a “OLW” person, but it certainly looks like you are having fun with the entire process and that is so nice! I like your vision board.
I think this looks great, and clearly it works for you, so keep it up!
Look at you with that mind map!!!! What a great way to put those prompts into . . . PRACTICE! XO
I have thought of you often as I have watched the videos and worked on the prompts – so much practice. I am using the OLW journal and doing it all right in that book too. Happy to see how this is working for you.
Way to go with practicing the practice! There is something both soothing and exciting about cutting things out and arranging them in your journal.
Your journal looks great, and if you are having fun then keep doing it. Whatever works, right?
Love it- and the butterflies too!
Your journal is inspiring – I see creativity and practice at work there! I love seeing how our words show up each month and learning from each other. Thank you!