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Wednesdays Are For Knitting

I broke one of my knitting rules yesterday. Yes. I said knitting rules. And one of my rules is that I only allow myself to have one mindless project going at a time. It used to always be a sock but, while my love for sock knitting has never wavered, my love for actually wearing hand knit socks has . . . decreased . . . in recent years. I do have a pair of socks on the needles, though, and the 2nd one is this.close to being finished. As in, there’s less than an inch of ribbing to go on this toe up baby. It does still need an after thought heel but that’s not mindless and I needed some mindless knitting.


Because last night was town meeting in the town where I work. And, while I needed to be there to answer any questions related to the library budget, the rest of my time was spent observing. As knitters, we know that observing and knitting go hand in hand. You know what makes for perfectly mindless and delightfully entertaining mindless knitting?

A Musselburgh Hat.

I started it at home yesterday morning to get past the fiddly cast on.

It was a loooooong meeting . . . and this is how far I got last night.

Town Meeting and Knitting. Just call me Madame Defarge.

Comments (13)

  1. And that is a fiddly beginning. I did the same thing and then in a packing flurry it somehow got packed and I can’t find it. Probably going to have to do that cast-on again soon. Sigh.

  2. Wow, must have been a long meeting, Carole. Excellent anticipation on your part! I used to sit and knit in retreat meetings where I worked, and it was interesting to see how many of the men became totally distracted by watching me. Haha Someone is going to be very happy with that hat, the yarn is lovely.

  3. Wow! I love those colors! That will be an awesome hat! (And thank goodness for lots of knitting time in meetings!)

  4. Good choice! The Musselburgh hat is perfect for entertaining and mindless knitting. You made short work of the fiddly beginning and it looks great!

  5. Many, many people (always women – so far) knit at our Town Meeting, too, but I’ve not seen one up on the dais! What is that pretty yarn?

  6. Oooh, what’s the yarn? Gauge Dye Works? I haven’t knit a Musselburgh yet but the yarn for two (+ a pair of socks) is on the way!

  7. I finally got a skein of Gauge Dye Works but haven’t started my hat yet. Need to finish up a few projects. It looks good!

  8. I’m happy to know you’re much kinder than Mme Defarge … and for sure your hat is going to bring smiles, too!

  9. I think the Musselburgh (once you get past that damn fiddly beginning. . . ) is the perfect mindless-knitting project! I love your yarn choice, Madam Defarge. XO

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