Our Bird Buddy continues to be popular with the feathered friends who visit our backyard…
Three On Thursday
It’s been a bit since I shared about Fred and George so let’s take care of that today.
George’s fur continues to be much softer than Fred’s and he has gotten even darker. He has markings like his mother, a Bengal Siamese mix but he’s big like his father. Fred is more of a traditional Siamese, with a dark face mask and he’s small like his mother. I am fascinated by how genetics have played out in these two.
They love to play with any toys that have feathers attached. And they frequently (sometimes within minutes) lose those toys under the stove. And then they sit there and wait for Dale to get down on his hands and knees with a yardstick and fish their toys back out. It’s hilarious. But also a pain in the ass.
A few other random things: they can jump . . . really high! They use the scratching post regularly. They eat bugs. They are very snuggly and have gotten much better about sleeping on the bed without waking us up. They are super social and friendly with anyone that comes to our house. I sometimes share funny videos of them on my TikTok page. They make us laugh and bring us a lot of joy.
And that’s the update on Fred and George. If you wrote a post for today please include your link below. Thanks, as always, to those of you who write and link your posts.
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? they are so cute!
What sweet little kitties! I love how they’re looking like their own unique “selves” now . . . when at first they were so much alike. I’m glad you and Dale invited these little trouble-makers into your lives. XO
That last picture really illustrates how they look different. It’s always good to yell at the correct ’kid’. LOL
I love how they seem to love each other so much!
They are just so cute! 🙂
They are so affectionate with one another! I don’t think I have ever seen 2 males cats do that. They are really gorgeous, and I am glad you are enjoying them so much.
They are cute, adorable, and have Dale well-trained!
I love how affectionate they are with each other! Which one is which in that top photo?
They are gorgeous and adorable Carole. Our cat Mabel has Bengal in her (long legs, spots, very fast and jumps high). Mabel is becoming more and more affectionate daily. We rescued her, so not sure what her life was like prior to us…but it took her a bit of time to warm up. When our calico cat, Maestro, was still alive she was forever losing toys under the stove and we would have to get the yard stick out to get them! I do love how Fred and George are so affectionate with each other. so sweet!
Makes me wish… a TINY LITTLE BIT… that we had a kitten or two again! Rusty’s having a better time allergy-wise without!
My 3TT post today: https://www.knitorious.life/2022/05/3tt-structure.html
My 3TT: https://www.kwizgiver.com/2022/05/three-on-thursday.html
Fred & George are so delightfully cute!
Hi Fred and George!
My mom had a pair of Meezer brothers — CoCo and Sami. I love seeing your boys — they remind me so much of my mom’s kitties!