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Prom Time

If you’re reading that title you’re probably confused because who would I be sharing prom photos of these days? I’ll tell you who in a moment but I will say this . . . if you’re a long time reader of this blog . . . you might want to sit down before you scroll further. You see, this little baby, just went to the prom.


She has grown into a beautiful, smart, and extremely talented young woman. Here, let me show you.

That dress, right? And the wind blowing her hair? And the back drop. It’s a stunning combination, but mostly I just can’t take my eyes off of her.

With her amazing mom. I couldn’t even begin to tell you the things that Heather does for Ambrynn. She blows me away.

And her dad. I don’t think Dale will mind me telling you that he got pretty verklempt over this photo.

I consider Ambrynn my granddaughter and she calls me Nana but we aren’t actually related by blood. And yet, this smile that’s almost a smirk? It’s all in the attitude and we both know it.

Dale and I miss Brant, Heather, and Ambrynn so much and we are so grateful for the wonderful visit we had with them last summer. Thanks for indulging me as I shared these photos.

Comments (11)

  1. Oh my goodness … how is it even possible that Ambryn is going to prom?? She is stunning!

  2. OMG, I know EXACTLY how you feel!! Mack & Addie are my “practice grandchildren” as much as they are my nephews… and Mack is also prepping for prom!! So crazy. xoxo

  3. Prom is such a wonderful milestone … I know you wish you were the one behind the camera, but at least you have the photos! and maybe plans to get together again soon?!

  4. NO WAY! I cannot believe Ambrynn is old enough to go to prom!!!!!! She looks just gorgeous, Carole! XO I hope she had a grand time.

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