Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
Wednesdays Are For Knitting
Want to see how much progress I’ve made on Dale’s Musselburgh Hat over the last two weeks?
I have not been knitting much and I’m not sure why. To be perfectly honest, I don’t adore that yarn/pattern combo. I almost ripped it out before I posted about it two weeks ago, but then I reconsidered and decided that I was liking it more as it grew.
So it’s not that.
Maybe it’s that it’s simple knitting and not engaging my brain enough? I used to knit so much at meetings and school events and I needed mindless knitting for those occasions but I don’t have those opportunities as much as I used to.
So it could be that. And if it is then the solution is to start something more complicated.
I’ve always been in the habit of knitting while watching television and we definitely don’t watch as much in the summer because we’re outside more in the evenings.
So it could also be that. And if it is, then the solution is to bring my knitting outside.
Or maybe it’s just a knitting slump. And if it is, then I’m not sure what the solution is.
But I do want to solve the problem because, odd as it may sound, I really miss knitting. Or maybe I just miss the love of knitting?
If you’ve been through this I’d love to know what you did to jump start your enthusiasm for knitting.
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i’m in a slump too- I think it’s because I have been reading actual books rather than on my kindle. It’s easier to knit and read on kindle than an actual book. I love my little town library. Every time I go to library, I can find a new book I want to read. ?
I’m in a bit of a slump too. I think it is because other things are calling for my attention. Almost no tv in the evenings and the weekends have been busy with errands, house projects, and fun activities. I know the slump will pass but I’ve set a goal to knit just a little bit every day, even just 1 row. The blanket I am working on won’t knit itself!
I’m no help here. I’ve been quilting pretty exclusively for a few years. I keep thinking I should knit something too, but it’s only been false starts. I’ve been thinking about some simple child sized hats for donation. That would open up a fun area I haven’t really gotten to knit that might be what sparks my enjoyment again.
I sure go through periods where I don’t pick up knitting for a bit of time. Sometimes I think I just need a new project (though I’m not one for having a lot of projects going at once). I find, too, in the heat of summer I don’t knit as much…it’s easier to pick up a book (and I’m not one who can knit and read at the same time). And sometimes I’m just into my stitching instead. No real solutions or suggestions for you, but I will say that I love the yarn you are using for Dale’s hat – I think it looks great!
Summer is a good time for a knitting slump to happen. You could try any of those things – a different project, a more complex project, a simple project (dishcloths usually work for me), take your knitting outside and just do it. And even if you end up not knitting, I bet the urge will return soon. I hope it does because I bet your knitting misses you, too!
I hear you… I have a Close to You shawl/scarf/shawlette going and it sits for the week with hardly a row added. It is my “sit and knit and watch TV” but… not much TV these days.
I like Bonny’s idea of a dishcloth. I bet that once September rolls around and you start to think about fall eventually arriving, you will get that hat done for Dale!
I have been in a knitting slump for a while, and I can’t seem to get going on anything, even projects that I have started. I don’t like to knit in the summer, and this summer has been brutal for me. I don’t even want to hold a piece of wool. So, I have no ideas to get you out of your slump. But I bet when the weather cools off, your desire to knit will return. Maybe you need to hunt for new patterns on Ravelry?
I have been in a bit of a knit slump so I challenged myself to clear off my needles and plan something interesting, like color work. That clearing off is close to being done. I finished a few things and unraveled a few things. Now I’m swatching for a swearer! Mostly I would say, don’t stress. Your knitting mojo will return.
I find deadline knitting usually gives me the bump I need. Niece is getting married in a couple of weeks and I’ve been procrastinating getting a gift. Found beautiful dishtowels, and am working away on them, in fact even as I read blogs today!
Well. Maybe it’s just time for a break, y’know? If you’re not finding that you NEED knitting in your life at the moment, well . . . maybe you don’t need knitting in your life at the moment. I go through periods of knitting-ennui every now and then, and it usually takes care of itself again eventually. Maybe just let it go for awhile. Could be there’s something else waiting to fill that spot. With a break, you may feel inspired where you least expect it! XO
PS . . . Knitting is not a job. 😉
Great hat! It’s always worrisome to hit one of those big knitting slumps. What works for me is starting some new, big and exciting project in some other crafty form – cross stitch, sewing, macramae… About 24 hours into the new project, some kind of magical yarn or knitting pattern shows up on my doorstep and I can’t resist and I immediately start knitting again. And yes, I have lots of big, non-knitting but crafty, used-to-be-exciting projects stashed in my closet.
Maybe you’re just missing the idea of knitting … and I think you’ll pick it back up again when what you’re really missing is the knitting (and maybe then you’ll bring that project outside, or get excited about starting something “exciting”)