It's time to put the fall session of Read With Us behind us and that…
As November draws to a close and the merriment of December is upon us, let’s take a look at what’s happening in my world right now.
Reading: Payback’s a Witch (definitely not seasonably appropriate but I missed it in October)
Watching: cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies. It’s a guilty pleasure, for sure
Eating: Thanksgiving leftovers! I had the last slice of pumpkin pie for breakfast yesterday and an assortment of vegetables for lunch.
Knitting: My latest Musselburgh hat. The key to successful knitting with Fred & George is to only knit small projects that can be quickly tucked away when they show interest.
Hanging: Twinkle lights! Everywhere!
Choosing: The Christmas tree for our town’s tree lighting this Thursday. It goes in the gazebo on the Town Common and I just love how it looks.
Pondering: How to get Outlook to stop sending your comment emails to my junk folder. This started happening out of the blue a few weeks ago and it’s making me crazy.
Reviewing: The menu for our Christmas Eve party. It’s back for the first time in 3 years!
Considering: My One Little Word for 2023. It’s a word that came up last year and I passed it over for Practice, which was 100% the right decision. I think it’s time for this one, though.
And that’s the current situation over here.
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How fun to be pondering your party details again!
You’ve got some good stuff going on here! I’m going to be in your neighborhood on Christmas Eve; do you mind if I drop in? (Not really, but that sure would be fun!)
Cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies are the best because they require zero brain power. They’re all more or less the same plot, so you don’t even have to really pay attention!
I’ll look forward to hearing about your OLW for next year. Mine hasn’t made itself known just yet.
Do you know I’ve never watched a Hallmark movie??? Enjoy your lights — and the tree on the common. It’s a magical time of year!
Interesting! And I succumbed to a Hallmark Christmas movie last night for the first time – it was good to get away from the horribleness of world news for a bit of kitsch.
I love currently lists! And my word has been tapping on my shoulder too
I am in the Kym Camp for Hallmark Movies… I have not ever seen a single one! The lights are absolutely my favorite part of the season! XO
Sounds like an okay situation 😉
I’m joining Kym and Kat re: Hallmark movies…but my friend Carol (without an e) loves them for escaping. Good luck with Fred & George. Knitting with cats (especially those still in the kitten stage) is never easy. I bet your twinkle lights look fabulous. And, there is nothing like a town square in New England (I’m more familiar with VT than MA) at Christmas – very, very magical. Have fun and enjoy!!