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Hello, December 2022

It’s the first Monday of the month, time to welcome December and set some intentions . . .

I have one overarching intention for this month and it is to bring a little magic to every day. That sounds easy enough given that it’s a magical month But I want to practice feeling the magic, being present for the magic, and truly taking in the magic.

Whatever I’m doing . . .

opening my wine advent calendar each evening
walking through the house and turning on the twinkle lights
driving home from work and admiring Christmas light displays
selecting and wrapping gifts
seeing a car with a Christmas tree strapped to the roof
honoring the solstice and rejoicing in the return of the light
baking cookies and delivering them to colleagues
gathering and celebrating the season with friends and family
watching my favorite Christmas movies with Dale
seeing the wonder of the season reflected in Jackie’s eyes

I will look for and notice the magic of December.

Comments (8)

  1. Not feeling especially magical this year. However, you’ve provided a good reminder that it’s hard to find what you’re not looking for. Wishing you a magical season.

  2. Those are all great examples of magic moments, especially with Jackie. I may do some magical dusting and decorating today (or at least try to make dusting as magical as possible).

  3. Yes to all of these! The days of wonder and joy are so fleeting! I have been loving getting my daily Advent photo once the kids have hung their number on their Grinch Quilt! (Obviously, Genevieve is most excited about this!)

  4. What a wonderful list Carole! I’ve been seeing a lot of cars with trees on top and last night, driving home from the holiday concert we attended in the afternoon, it was dusk and there were a lot of Christmas lights to see on our journey home. That never fails to cheer me up!

  5. I think it’s a really good thing that there is so much magic to enjoy at the time of year when there’s also the most darkness. The twinkle lights always cheer me up when I’m lamenting how early it gets dark these days!

  6. I just love seeing how many of us are being intentional about slowing down, paying attention, and noticing this season!

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