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One Little Word, 2023

Happy New Year, dear readers! As is my tradition, my first post of the year is to announce my One Little Word. Get ready to . . .


This is actually the word I had chosen for 2022 and then practice came at me at the very last minute so I set bloom aside. I knew I wasn’t done with it, but it just wasn’t the right time. Am I surprised that it stayed in the back of my mind all year? Not in the least.

I’ve been choosing a word for the year since 2014, when I started with joy. In 2015 it was grace, in 2016 it was shine, 2017 brought peace, 2018 was kind, 2019 was story.

And then, starting with open in 2020, my words began to . . . connect. To provide a sort of story arc . . . a map of my personal growth . . . as I went from open to create in 2021 to practice in 2022. Bloom feels like the perfect next step . . . as a culmination of the work I’ve done and also as a new season in which to flourish.

I’m looking forward to seeing what this word brings into my life this year.

Comments (13)

  1. The word blossom immediately popped in my head after I read this. I like bloom so much more. It’s a gentler word full of possibilities but with fewer pushy expectations. Hope 2023 treats you the same way.

  2. I can’t wait to see where this word takes you, Carole! It strikes me as a pretty great fit for you, given that when I think of you, I think of books and bouquets of flowers.

  3. Sounds perfect! I love the way your words build on each other and I look forward to reading how your word is impacting you this year. Have fun with it!

  4. A huge smile came across my face when I got to….Bloom. And the way it shows on my screen, I had to scroll down a bit at JUST the right time…for a perfect Ta-da! moment. Just like Bloom-ing! Happy New Year, Carole. I look forward to reading along with your year.

  5. What a great word! I look forward to following your blooming journey this year.

    We chose epiphany words out of a basket, randomly, in church yesterday. Mine was RISK. My first reaction was JUMP! But I’m not sure RISK is a word I would choose for myself. We shall see what the year brings.

  6. I love seeing how your words evolve – BLOOM seems like a wonderful choice to continue what you started so many years go! Happy 2023, Carole!

  7. One of my favorite sayings is “bloom where you are planted”, so I think this is a fabulous word for the year, Carole! It is the epitome of hope, is it not? I hope you keep us updated on the state of your blooming or blossoming, as it were. It seems to combine a sensation of freeing and optimism that is boundless.

  8. Just getting caught up with your January posts. I almost picked Bloom this year, but like you last year, it’s just not time. Wishing you a wonderful 2023 and lots of blooms and blooming!

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