Before our road trip, I cast on for a new Musselburgh hat. My grandson, Patrick…
Wednesdays Are For Knitting: Advent Socks
If there’s anything I’ve learned since bringing Fred & George into our lives, it’s that my knitting projects needs to be small. As in, small enough to stuff into a zippered bag quickly should the little devils sweethearts show any interest in what I’m doing. Spoiler alert: they almost always show interest when the yarn comes out.
Believe me, I would love to be working on my Daytripper Cardigan with my souvenir Icelandic yarn. But the wool fumes from that yarn are quite obviously stronger than any other wool fumes in the house and the only way I can work on that is to either lock Fred & George in a room away from me or lock myself in a room away from them. And I’m just not willing to do that.
So. I’m knitting socks.
The yarn is from The Cozy Knitter and it’s the 2022 Advent 24 stripe skein. The colors are wonderful and the stripes are wildly entertaining. I’m using yarn from the stash for the cuff, heel and toe. I’m really enjoying the heck out of knitting these.
Even if it is only when Fred & George are asleep.
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Those stripes are absolutely charming! What a fun little project to work on while the cats are near. . .
I do like those stripes! There is just something about self-striping yarn that makes it fun and you have the added benefit of keeping the sock away from F & G. Good luck!
Love those colors! What a fun, cheery photo to brighten my grey, going to be raining soon, day!
yay for stripes! and for tiny projects that don’t overwhelm Fred & George with yarn fumes – poor guys 😉
Lovely! Luckily, my cat has no interest in yarn. However, he does like to drink water from anything other than his water bowl. Must guard drinking glasses ?
So pretty! (Fred and George have excellent taste!)
I like those stripes…they would brighten any gray winter day!
Great socks! Love the stripe colors.
Clearly Fred and George are knitter’s cats if they are so affected by the wool fumes. The sock is really beautiful!