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Hello, April

You know what the problem is with recurring blog topics? Forgetting to do them. Here we are, 3 days past the first Monday of the month, and I’ve yet to welcome April. Fixing that right up today, though, with a few hellos and some intentions.

Hello, April, and all the wonderful signs of spring that you bring
Hello to daffodils and tulips and hyacinths
Hello to buds on the trees and morning bird songs
Hello to the return of gardening and camping

This month I will notice and revel in all those things as I also . . .

try to not get overwhelmed by all the tasks on my lists . . . the garden tasks and the work load and the extra meetings that come my way
remember Ross Gay’s advice and lean into my sorrow as I honor the 40th anniversary of my brother’s death from a motorcycle accident
take care of my spirit with yoga and journaling, reading and meditating
take care of my body with good food, regular movement, refreshing skin care, and restorative massage work
make time for relaxation, human connection, and creativity

Hello, April. I’m glad you’re here.

Comments (5)

  1. Yes! A resounding welcome to April. Longer daylight hours, more outside time, birsong and new nests. So mych to look forward to this month. Enjoy!!

  2. I’m also glad that April is here! The views from my windows and on my walks are ever-changing as the trees and birds re-awake.

  3. I am loving April even though we had to turn the AC on yesterday… sigh. Your list looks wonderful… and I will be sending some “do not get overwhelmed” juju your way! XO

  4. Spring . . . is always a task-filled month, as everything switches over winter-dormancy to spring-action. Here’s to month filled with good things, Carole! XO

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