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Hello, October

If September is all about getting back into routines, October is certainly about preparing for the cold months ahead.

Dale is stacking firewood and I am making the house cozy with fall decorations, plenty of twinkle lights, and extra candles. We may not need them yet but there are cozy blankets in baskets and shearling slippers by the bed, ready to be worn on chilly mornings.

Comforting and warming meals are on my mind and I bought a chicken to roast yesterday. I also baked chocolate chip cookies for the first time in ages and there’s a meatloaf on the menu for this week, too. I made soup for my lunches for the week and I’m ready for steel cut oats to replace overnight oats for breakfast.

I’m itching to cast on a pair of socks and settle into big books and, while I will always be a summer girl, I do love a fire burning in the wood stove. Warm days and cool-ish nights are my jam and that’s what October often brings us here in New England, along with spectacular foliage, tangy apple cider, and hot donuts at the local farm stand.

What do you love about October?

Comments (11)

  1. Oh yes! Bring on the warmish-days and the coolish nights. I love sleeping with the windows wide open and I’ve been wearing warm slippers in the morning…also a flannel shirt over a tee shirt. I made a roast beef (or as we sometimes call it roast beast) the other week and have been thinking about roasting a chicken (the house always smells so good!). Soups and chilies will be on the menu.

  2. October is my favorite month. I love that the changing trees, hot soups, cool nights, and days that are pleasantly warm (note, pleasantly warm is a warm that is devoid of all humidity! lol)

  3. I made meatloaf on Friday and had planned chili for sometime this week, but with temps warming back up to the mid 80s, I think I’ll be back cooking on the grill for a week. I like how the ground crunches after the first frost and when the leaves start changing, but neither one of those will be happening for at least several weeks.

  4. I’m a summer-lover, too (as you know. . . ), but my goodness . . . October definitely wins the Next Best prize in my heart! It’s going to be awhile for it to truly “feel like” fall here (we’re predicted to be having quite warm weather througout the month), but the leaves are turning (slowly), and the days are certainly shortening. C’mon fall!

  5. I love all this talk about favorite months. I am not sure where I land but I don’t love the hot, hot weather. I think I like fall and winter so much because I grew up in Arizona and longed for sweaters and cozy inside life.

  6. I love a warm day + cool night combo, too! We certainly have that right now. It was so warm yesterday that Ali took her kids to the beach! It’s looking a lot like fall around here but we’re not really feeling it yet (except for the ever-increasing darkness).

  7. The colorful trees! Dressing in layers, some of them handknit. Soups and stews. Home-baked bread. Pumpkin anything. I mourn the loss of light, but celebrate the fact of electricity to fight the darkness.

  8. It was so warm yesterday that it was making me a little grumpy, so I decided to bake pumpkin bread to make it feel more like fall. I love seeing the leaves changing this time of year and crunching them underfoot. I like eating warm, filling comfort foods and baked good full of spices. I love the slight chill in the air.

  9. It still feels like summer here with temps in the mid 80s, but it looks like it will start to get cooler by the end of the week and I look forward to it! This is my favorite time of year!

  10. I love taking walks in the cooler temps with my dog. It’s actually pleasant instead of getting hot and sweaty.

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