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Planting Time!

First, a matter of housekeeping. As you may have noticed, the blog was down yesterday. It took several different techs at GoDaddy plus my IT guy extraordinaire, to determine that I had been hacked and some malware had been installed here. Things are back on track now, thank goodness, and some extra security measures have been and will be put in place.

Now, on to our regular blog content.

I had a great time plant shopping with Doreen over the weekend! We went to our 3 usual spots plus one new to Doreen spot and we filled my car 3 times. Lots of coleus, a couple of caladium (even though we both struggle with it), plenty of petunias and geraniums and begonias, some sweet potato vine and lavender and herbs, hanging ferns and more!

We also had time on the deck, ate delicious sushi and a great home cooked meal, had lunch out, drank cocktails and copious amounts of coffee, and talked all things gardening.

After Doreen left on Sunday morning, I got down to the business of planting. 3 hours later I had 15 pots loaded and ready to be placed around our deck and under the pergola.

Let’s hope they grow and grow and grow!

Comments (8)

  1. You got some gorgeous plants Carole!! Fletch just bought some sweet potato vine to add to the window box by our kitchen window. Always looks so pretty spilling over! It always amazes me how many different varieties and shades there are of coleus – one of my favorites.

  2. Looks like you and Doreen did some damage to the local garden supply! Your plants always look gorgeous. I’m curious if you have to water your little green friends daily like I would have to. One of the things that keep my garden ambitions in check.

  3. What a haul, and a great weekend! I still need to get plants for planters…

    Ooh, and what size is your SOLO? I caved and ordered a Bonfire last night!

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