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Happy Birthday, Dale!

The guy who lights up my world is turning 72 today.

You can be sure we’re celebrating Maine style, with lobsters and beer, ocean views and plenty of relaxing. And maybe even cake!

Won’t you join me and wish Dale a Happy Birthday? Thanks, friends!

Comments (17)

  1. Happiest birthday wishes to you, Dale! Tom and I wish we could be there with you for beer and lobster (and maybe to sing a rousing round of Rocky Raccoon together. . . ). Have a wonderful day!!! XO

  2. Happy, Happy birthday Dale. Like Kym, I wish I could be in Maine with you and Carole to celebrate. Have a grand time and enjoy the lobster and beer!

  3. Happy birthday, Dale! Wishing you another trip around the sun filled with family, friends and fun. In other words, another year with Carole who will certainly make sure those are part of it.

  4. Happy, happy birthday, Dale! Enjoy your lobster, beer and that gorgeous Maine scenery!

  5. Happy Birthday Dale! It’s such a pleasure to hear about your camping, your music, and Friday Happy Hours with Carole. Enjoy the lobster.

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