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I had a great weekend at home, mostly hanging out and also doing some fun things, too. I even remembered to take photos to share with you.

We had breakfast under the pergola for the first time all summer. I made pancakes and sausages and it was lovely out there. Up until now we’ve either been away or it’s been too hot or raining. It was really nice to enjoy this space.

I enjoyed time on the deck on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings. This pot of lavender is right next to where I always sit and it smells heavenly. I love to run my hands through it and inhale a scent that (along with basil) personifies summer for me.

I did a bit of a Sunday reset, including a face mask and meditation and some lunch prep for the week. I have a love/hate relationship with spending time on Sundays getting ready for work so I try not to do too much of it . . . but some of it really does set me up for more success (especially with breakfast and lunch away from the house) and I feel good about that.

I made a garden flag for our camper. I’ve seen so many of these in the various campgrounds we have visited and I decided to design and create my own with my Cricut. I’m pretty chuffed with how it came out.

We ended the weekend with pizza in the Ooni. Local tomatoes, local fresh mozzarella, homegrown basil and homemade dough made for a delicious treat.

How was your weekend?

P.S. The option to subscribe to this blog via email is back and it’s over on the right hand side bar. Several of you have commented that you have missed (it was never our intention to take it away) so please re-subscribe and let me know if it’s working. Thanks!

Comments (12)

  1. I’m so happy the email function is back!!! Your cricut skills are outstanding-love the flag. I need to dig mine out of the closet! Breakfast looks scrumptious ?

  2. Pancakes and sausage outside sounds wonderful. And the pizza looks wonderful too. Love the garden flag you made for your camper – perfect!!

  3. That flag is very fun. Chuffed status well deserved. I know what you mean about the Sunday prepping. When I used to have to be at the office by 0700 or earlier I did that a lot. I decided it was ultimately worth it because I felt getting up at 5:00am was kind of my limit. I also ate better for less. Monday through Friday me sure appreciated Weekend me making that effort.

  4. Oh, I love your flag!! Well-deserved chuffiness! 😉 Lavender & basil are a couple of my favorite summer scents, too. The best!

  5. Breakfast outdoors in the summer is a great way to start your day. You know how to take care of yourself by making weekends about joy and relaxation. Hope your week goes well. xo

  6. I wondered where you went. I heard you were on twitter and I don’t have a twitter account. I have I can handle with email and messages.
    Glad you are back!

  7. I love the flag! So happy I could subscribe again as I really missed reading your blog.

  8. What a lovely weekend! Your camp flag is awesome and how fun that they’re now a “thing” AND that you could make your own. (and I’m one who really appreciates the emails when you share a post – so glad it’s back and working)

  9. I LOVE the flag, Carole! It will be such a charming little touch to your “set-up” for you next camping trip. So glad you got to enjoy breakfast in your pergola. That’s what summer is all about! XO

  10. Very nice flag! Glad you enjoyed your weekend. We have had a chance to spend more time on our deck the past few days while the weather is cooperating and it really makes it feel like summer fun.

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