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The Truth Is

I’m borrowing the theme of this post from Liz Lamoreux, a writer and teacher who offers wonderful ecourses and sells jewelry and talismans. Many of you already follow Liz, and her newsletter the other day shared a writing prompt of making a list of sentences (or paragraphs) that all start with the words The Truth Is.

I love this idea and decided to create a blog post around it.

The truth is that I see flowers growing from every window of my home right now. Window boxes and container gardens and raised beds are all overflowing with petunias, geraniums, dahlias, zinnias, and more. It brings me joy.

The truth is that Dale does almost all of the daily watering of my flowers and plants and it’s a lot of work. I so appreciate that he’s home in the summer to take care of this task.

The truth is that sharing about my knitting slump with you seems to have made me more inspired to knit. I worked on the hat for a while yesterday and it felt good.

The truth is I’m still suffering from the impact of the browntail moth from our Maine vacation in June. It’s making me really wonder about going back next year, which makes me very sad but I can’t picture going through this ever again.

The truth is we’re in for a few days of very high heat and humidity and I’m super grateful for air conditioning. I’m looking forward to next week’s forecast of more comfortable temperatures and dew points.

The truth is I often feel exhausted and overwhelmed by the news and also feel compelled to stay informed. It’s a hard thing to balance.

The truth is that we had ice cream for dinner the other night. It’s great to be a grown up.

The truth is that after a lifetime of avoiding it I finally created a monthly budget. I feel more in control of our finances than ever and wonder why I avoided this for so long.

The truth is that I’m out of things to say . . . for now.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. The truth is . . . that’s a brilliant theme for a blog post, Carole! 🙂
    I’m so sorry about that browntail moth thing, though. YUCK. Is there a . . . season? Like, could you avoid going to Maine at certain times of year? And, if not. . . well. There are other places to visit that would also be lovely — and you could begin some whole new traditions with brand new memories (free of browntail moths). XO

  2. This is such a brilliant post, Carole! I love it! And I am echoing Kym’s thoughts on that browntail moth thing… double YUCK!

    But that flowers from every window thing? Oh my… what a joy! (and yay Dale for all that watering!!)

  3. This is a great theme and there are lots of good things here! When John was getting ready to retire, our Fidelity advisor made us create a budget for everything, so we would have an accurate account of how much we would need in retirement. It was eye-opening and I’m glad we did. It was a bit shocking how much we were spending on some things without even realizing it. (Those are gorgeous flowers!)

  4. The truth is I need to create a budget as we are looking to retire next year – yikes! I am so happy to be getting your posts in my email again. Stay cool.

  5. What a great post,truly. Wow! I’m suddenly rethinking my desire to get back to Maine, my skin is pretty sensitive.

    The truth is that a budget is a bit like dieting. It sounds very unfun and painful. It’s also empowering to know your situation and freeing because you make informed decisions. Your spending becomes more thoughtful and meaningful. Enjoy that new power.

  6. The truth is…I love this post. What a great idea! So sorry about that browntail moth (which I have never heard of)…I hope there is another time of the year that you and Dale can go back to Maine and enjoy your time there. Ice cream for dinner and budgets…two sides of being an adult! Gorgeous flowers.

  7. Great post Carole! So very sorry that you’re still suffering from the BTM. 🙁 I’m going to recommend more ice cream.

  8. So sorry about the moth episode. Maybe go to Maine in August? And I love
    “the truth is…” as a prompt. Will use it in future.

  9. The truth is this prompt works great for a blog post, which is one of my favorite ways to tell a story! I hope you figure out a way around the moths, because giving up your time in Maine feels huge. and woot! for energy around your knitting!!

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