Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
Wednesdays Are For Knitting: Gnoah
Let’s talk a bit more about gnome knitting . . .
I signed up for a virtual class with Sarah Schira of Imagined Landscapes on MDK back in September. It was a great deal . . . $99 for the 3 hour class and all supplies, including 27 mini skeins of Woolstok’s Blue Sky Fibers (no longer available on MDK that I can find but you can get it at WEBS, plus 3 gnome patterns from Sarah. I’ve been seeing Kat knit gnomes for quite some time and I’d been intrigued but hadn’t actually knit one myself and this felt like the perfect opportunity to give it a try.
It was so fun! I was worried it would be fiddly but it really wasn’t and Sarah’s tips and insights (along with great stories about the many gnomes she has knit) were really helpful. I was able to finish my gnome in the 3 hour class, which was a great confidence builder for making more and with those 27 mini skeins I’m eager to get started. I think the biggest take away for me is that using short double pointed needles makes a huge difference in this sort of potentially fiddly knitting. I’ve always used 8″ dpns because that’s what I had but the supplies included 5″ ones and manipulating those was so much easier when working with just a few stitches.
While I haven’t knit more gnomes yet (I’m on a tight deadline with some gift knitting right now) I have plans for a whole gnome village for Gnoah! And I’ve also purchased the Snow Matter What pattern so I will be participating in the annual December mystery gnome event. There’s still time to join us if you’d like and I’d love to have a whole bunch of friends knitting gnomes, too.
I may be late to the party on this but gnomes could be the new potato chip knitting for me.
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Have fun! I fell down the gnome hole when I received one as a gift last December. I have probably knit a hundred since then and gifted them all! Enjoy!
Such an adorable little gnome, Carole! And . . . potato chips FOR THE WIN!!! You are going to have so much fun playing with you fiber-crayon-box of colors. I can’t wait to see the gnome village! XO
Gnoah looks so cute! I wondered about his “fiddliness” and I just may succumb to gnome knitting sometime this winter. I hope he’s got some friends to join him soon!
I had purchased a gnome and snowman pattern last year, but found it fiddly with longer dpn’s … I jumped in and got a set of the 5″ needles and joined the Snow Matter What knit-a-long (or is it a gnome-a-long?), so hopefully I’ll be on the gnome wagon with you!
That is adorable. Love it!
You don’t need to convince me!! I’m a huge fan of Sarah’s… gnome knitting patterns are a dime-a-dozen these days, it seems, and I’m pretty particular about mine. Sarah’s & Susan B. Anderson’s are my go-to gnome designers. Susan’s pudgy little gnomes were the ones that helped me get back to knitting after Covid. Can’t wait for the KAL!
Your Gnoah is so dang cute! I may have to jump on the gnome bandwagon AFTER I retire…can’t do it now – that’s for sure!
Gnoah is definitely a handsome guy and I’m glad you’re looking forward to knitting him a host of company! also interesting to read that 5″ needles work best for a project like that … I’ve always wondered what those short needles were good for!
I’m so glad the class was a hit with you! I took a class with Sarah over the summer (though not specifically on gnomes), and I thought she was a great teacher. I’m also planning to do the mystery gnome this year, so there will be several of us knitting along!
I loved seeing your smiling face on Zoom at the end of the class! I have been knitting gnomes for a while and even I picked up such great tips from Sarah’s class! I think my favorite gnome of all is the December Mystery Gnome… I am in and I am happy you are too! If anyone is on the fence… this is really the best MKAL, it is a much more leisurely pace, there is a fun story line, and Sarah shares recipes that make it even more delicious! (and if you sign up for her newsletter, you will get a special code for a bigger discount off the price!)