Shows up and you aren't prepared. You didn't take any photos over the weekend. You…
Currently, November 2023
It’s mid-November and it’s time to check in with a random post on what’s going on currently . . .
Knitting: Socks for a friend’s birthday. They are late in more ways than one (Halloween stripes for a birthday party that was last week) but they should be done soon.
Reading with my eyes: Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. I’m not a fantasy reader but I keep hearing about this book so I’m giving it a shot. I’m not far enough into it yet to know whether I’ll stick with it, though.
Reading with my ears: Calm Christmas and a Happy New Year: A Little Book of Festive Joy by Beth Kempton. I’m already thinking about Christmas differently and identifying what does (and does not) matter to me most.
Watching: The Morning Show. Now that Season 3 has finished airing and we can binge it we have started. So good.
Eating: Scalloped potatoes and ham. I made them my mom’s way and we had them for dinner Monday night and I had leftovers for lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday. I never get sick of them.
Loving: Our new bedroom winter tree. Our tradition is to put it up on the night that DST ends and the warm glow is perfect for that first early sunset. I had to get a new one this year because the lights stopped working on our old one and I was super proactive and ordered it back in September. I paid $106 for it then and it’s now $207. Yay me for thinking ahead!
Planning: A very small Thanksgiving. As in, it could potentially be just Dale and I. Maybe Hannah, too, but I’m not sure. There will certainly be mashed potatoes, stuffing, and pumpkin pie (since those are the cook’s favorite parts of the meal) but that might be it in terms of traditional Thanksgiving fare.
Playing: Disney Dreamlight Valley. I’ve completed all of the current quests, unlocked all of the current characters and completed all of the friendship quests. I’m impatiently waiting for the next update on December 5th.
Enjoying: Book Club at my library. This is a something that my Assistant Director, Amy, always did but I have taken it over since her retirement and it’s fun. I love talking about books and it’s a chatty group and I think it’s going well. What a relief!
Captivating: With watching Jackie learn to read and write. He spelled out BIRD and MITTEN and TURKEY last night and I was all verklempt over it.
And that’s the highlights from my world right now.
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I think there is nothing cooler . . . than watching a child unlock the magic of reading and writing! I’d be all verklempt watching Jackie, too. So . . . you are liking The Morning Show (season 3) then? I’ve been hesitant to watch it, because I was really disappointed with season 2. And . . . I find it so hard to “cut back” on Thanksgiving dinner, even when it’s just Tom and I (or Tom and I and my dad). I have so many “favorite” things about the meal — and I only make them once a year — that I just can’t seem to NOT make them. I’ll be eager to hear what you end up making for your dinner. XO
I’ll be interested to see how you feel about Fourth Wing. It seemed like half of my friends on Goodreads were reading it, and Jess has tried to convince me several times that it’s the best book ever. (She’s already read Iron Flame.) I think I’m several decades past the target audience. I cook Thanksgiving mainly for myself because I enjoy most of the food and love the leftovers. We’ll have six this year but the days of fitting 16 people around the table are gone. I cried a little (tears of happiness) when Justin read his first book to me, so I know the thrill you must be experiencing with Jackie!
Lots of good stuff here. Ham & scalloped potatoes was a favorite childhood meal. Thanks for that memory.
Last year, my family were all coming for Thanksgiving. I prepared all the favorites. My turkey was in the oven when they called with bad colds and we’re concerned it might be Covid. We delayed the gathering, but my husband was leaving on Friday for a overseas business trip. It was hilarious. The two of us sat at our expanded table with dishes spread all down the table like those pictures of a royal couple alone at a banquet table. My family was better and came on Saturday. So, if it’s just you and Dale, enjoy it anyway and make the dishes you love the most.
I would be all teared up listening to Jackie read too! What a magical time… reading, writing… a world of possibilities! We (Steve and I) are just doing us again. It is a hard weekend for family traveling with little time off. We are okay with that and we will have turkey… and potatoes, and the discussion as to what to layer in on top of that is happening now!
That tree in your room sounds delightful!
There is nothing like watching someone learn to read and write – so magical. I wish our bedroom were large enough to accommodate a tree – I would love that! We don’t have the space to have everyone for Thanksgiving, so we will be going to Mailing’s parents. Mailing will assist with the cooking (I don’t think her Mom has ever cooked a turkey!!). I’ll be bringing two kinds of cranberry dishes (a relish and a chutney) and a pumpkin pie. Once the kids are home (next week) I’ll find out if I can bring a side vegetable or something else.
Calm Christmas sounds like a good reminder to slow down… I think Ali might like that book, too (early Christmas present about Christmas??).
Scalloped Potatoes & Ham is one of my all-time favorite dishes! I use my mom’s recipe, too! <3
Oh Jackie!! Just wait until he starts writing you notes!! Talk about your verklempt…
Watching a child start to learn how to read and write is truly one of the most exciting experiences in life. I love that moment when they realize that those lines on a page are things that carry meaning! And I’m sure it’s extra exciting for you as a librarian!
I hope your Thanksgiving is full of love, however many there are of you around the table. While Thanksgiving 2020 was certainly sad because we were all isolated, it was also kind of nice to just be us three.
It is so wonderful to watch a child learn to read! My sister and I cook Thanksgiving dinner every year and a month ago we were at 5 people, now we are up to 15 and 3 of those people have never celebrated Thanksgiving before! One person is from Korea and one couple is from Germany and we look forward to sharing our traditions with them. No matter how many people you have, I hope you enjoy the day!
Sam now reads aloud all the random signs when we drive in the car together (he’s in first grade) and it’s so fun! Reading (and then arithmetic because GAMES) is so awesome! I want to know more about your library’s bookclub. and cheering on your small Thanksgiving. Marc and I were just us a few years back (turkey sandwiches, brussels sprout cole slaw, …) and I loved it. We ate on trays and watched holiday TV.
I can’t deny Thanksgiving 2020 -while strange – was kind of nice. We set the table all fancy and enjoyed the meal. We just went from 17 to 22 here so it will be exciting. Dan is driving up so it will be great to see him. And Jackie – just the most exciting thing ever. xo