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One Little Word, 2024

Happy New Year! It’s a tradition around here to introduce my One Little Word on January 1st and I’m eager to tell you that the word I have chosen is . . .

As always, there were a few words vying for my attention and I started a list of them back in September. They were good words, but they mostly felt . . . heavy. They were all about improving myself, challenging my habits, working on my outlook. And, while that’s all fine, it didn’t feel . . . right.

Driving home from work one day last month, I turned off the podcast I was listening to, and spent the drive just thinking, in silence and solitude, about what word I wanted to choose. I considered the potential words on my list. I thought about the words I had the most connection with since starting this practice back in 2014 (joy and peace, if you want to know) and I thought about why those words felt right. I thought about words that were difficult but helped me to grow, like open and story. I also thought about words that didn’t work, like last year’s bloom, and tried to put my finger on why I didn’t connect with them.

I considered what I really wanted I wanted my experience this year to feel like . . . and the word delight popped up out of nowhere. It wasn’t a word on my list. And yet, I knew instantly that this was the word for me. It’s time for a word that is about how I feel, not what I should do. It’s time for a word that offers me the opportunity to seek it out every day. It’s time for a word that I can document all year long in a way that feels right for me. It’s time for a word that has me excited

It’s time for delight.

Comments (15)

  1. Such a good word. I have been seeing that word more lately and it feels like a good word to walk with in this next year (and beyond!).

  2. I’m delighted you have chosen a potentially uplifting word. May 2024 be filled with delight.

  3. I think this is going to be such a good word for you. When I think of you, I think of you with a big smile on your face, so I think anything that causes you to smile more is going to be a great fit!

  4. I just love this word for you, Carole! (Actually, I think it’s a good word for ALL of us . . . ) I look forward to learning about your discoveries this year. Happy New Year, my friends. Here’s to a year of DELIGHT! XO

  5. I am nodding at all of the comments! This is just such a great word for YOU! (and yes, I am with Kym… it is a great word for all of us!)

    Happy New Year, my friend! May it be a year filled with delight! XO

  6. I just read somewhere this morning about that word. It was suggested that you say it out loud, with your index finger in the air, whenever something delighted you each day. So picture that, & share your delight in whatever with whomever is in sight!

  7. Good word! I tried doing the one little word years ago and chose Balance as I need balance in my life but I never did much with it though I have a sign with it on my wall and I do look at it daily. I hope to maybe next year or a future year do the course with Ali. For this year (it’s been tough 5 years and no end in sight yet) so I chose Nourish as I need to get back to taking care of me. I had found a list of maybe 10 ways to nourish (which I can’t find online now but I saved it in a word document) and plan to use them to guide me.

  8. I love this word for you! I was gifted a book titled “The Book of Delights” (Ross Guy) by a friend for Christmas and I know it’s a little book that has some good lessons in there for me.

    I haven’t chosen a word in 2 years and I’m ok with this for now. Who knows perhaps next year a word might appear, but until then I will enjoy your delightful journey! ??

  9. I love this word for you! I was gifted a book titled “The Book of Delights” (Ross Guy) by a friend for Christmas and I know it’s a little book that has some good lessons in there for me.

    I haven’t chosen a word in 2 years and I’m ok with this for now. Who knows perhaps next year a word might appear, but until then I will enjoy your delightful journey! ??

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