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Unraveled Wednesday

Time for a mid week check in on the knitting and reading . . .

There has been some good (for me, anyway) progress on sock #2, thanks in part to Oscar movie watching over the weekend. And a lengthy Finance Committee meeting for work. A dismal budget season makes for a boon in knitting time, at least.

As for reading, I am thisclose to finishing White Houses by Amy Bloom. I’ll share more thoughts on this book when I do my GoodReads review, but for now I will say that it’s a fast and insightful novel that reads like a memoir. I’m still listening to Master Slave Husband Wife and expect to finish that by the end of the week.

Be sure and visit Kat’s blog to see what everyone is making and reading this week.

Comments (8)

  1. Those socks are such great colors! I like that minty green! I really enjoyed Master Slave Husband Wife… I knew none of that story. (and it is perfect for Black History Month!)

  2. Such happy socks!! Fun colors and soon you will have a pair! I knew I had read White Houses but couldn’t remember when and couldn’t remember much about it…thought I liked it, but looking back I only gave it 3.5 stars. I read it in 2018. I am very interested in Master Slave Husband Wife. I may need to download that for listening. I am knitting a Sauberball sock and listening to The Poisonwood Bible.

  3. Love the bright socks. Stripes always make it interesting; an incentive to just knit to the next color!

    Keep trying to get my sock mojo back, but there are too many other knits calling my name… (Musselburgh hat #3 with spiraling increases/decreases from Sarah Jordan on the Same as It Ever Was hat pattern, Traveler Cowl by Andrea Mowry, KikiMariko hearth rug from MDK…)

    Also wishing I’d get some inspiration to read more. I did finish Anne of Green Gables, but nothing I look at sparks my interest these days. I’ve started several books but just not getting into any of them.

    Hurry up Spring, maybe a change of season will help… 😀

  4. Budget meetings are never fun. I’m glad you had your sock to get you through it! I expect that sock will be finished and the pair will be on your feet very soon!

  5. WordPress is serving up a nice little trio of posts featuring these socks and the latest one shows sock #1 done, so I think seeing sock #2 already past the heel looks great! (and ugh about dismal budget meetings)

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