It's time to put the fall session of Read With Us behind us and that…
Designing My Summer Blogging
Gretchen Rubin talks regularly about “designing your summer” and it’s the concept of making a plan for your summer . . . deciding how you want to spend your time . . . making certain you plan accordingly so you do the things you want to do.
I’ve decided to take that concept and apply it to my blogging. Meaning, I want to make a plan for the blog that is sustainable (by me) and enjoyable (for you). I think the best way to make it sustainable is to do (mostly) the same thing each weekday.
Like this:
As you can see, though, Wednesday is blank. I don’t knit enough to join Kat with Unraveled and I haven’t come up with anything else. And that begs the question, do I take Wednesdays off? That goes against my nature of being consistent, but also it’s not inconsistent if I’m doing it weekly and it’s a planned thing. Do I leave Wednesdays as a place to put things that come up that don’t fit anywhere else? Or do I ask you all what you’d like to read about on Wednesdays?
You see where this is going now?
I’d love to have your ideas for my Wednesday posts, your feedback on my other weekly post ideas, and your continued reading, of course.
Thanks, friends!
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Hello! In keeping with putting things that don’t come up anywhere else on Wednesdays, you could title the posts “Wildcard Wednesdays.” Enjoy reading all of your posts each morning, Carole – they brighten my day!
I think this is a GREAT idea!
Further thought: to take a day off from blogging, you could post a “Gone Fishing!” Sign.
Lynn has a brilliant name for Wednesday’s post. On weeks you aren’t feeling it, you can either post a picture of a joker that tells us you’re off having fun, or something that was especially great recently (sunset, spot in the garden, that perfect pizza from your Ooni, etc). I always admire your photos whatever the subject.
Wildcard Wednesdays is a great idea! And I like your other days as well – I’m happy to see 3 on Thursday again!
Lynn has a fun idea… and I love all things alliterative! XO
I love Wildcard Wednesdays!
I like the idea of wildcard Wednesday as well but…I’m also in favor of taking time off and giving yourself that day each week. It’s summer!! 🙂
Another vote for Lynn’s Wildcard Wednesdays! I can barely think of things to blog about myself, so I have no suggestions of my own, but I do like the idea of doing Three on Thursday again and starting Wildcard Wednesdays.
I’m with the majority here. Wildcard Wednesdays sounds perfect and gives you freedom to post one word, a photo, absolutely anything
Oh I love Wildcard Wednesdays too. Maybe it is the English teacher still in me because I love the Alliteration. You could make it about whatever you want……maybe it is just pictures….maybe an inspiraitonal quote. Maybe you write about anything that pops into your head……I LOVE reading your blog every morning.
Wildcard… or Random… I always enjoy the off-the-cuff stuff the most, whether it’s words or pictures or a little of both!
A day off in the summertime would be nice, too. Though you can do that whatever day/whenever the heck you want!
I like the Wildcard Wed. idea too, but what I’d really like to see is more of what you’re knitting/creating.
Here’s another vote for Wildcard Wednesdays!
I was going to say “Whatever Wednesdays,” but Wildcard Wednesdays sounds good, too! I think it can be a day for whatever strikes your fancy that day — or nothing at all, if you need a break.
I like your summer blogging plan, Carole. It has enough structure for you to keep your posting “flowing,” but enough open space for your interpretation! Like you, I don’t knit enough or as quickly to blog about knitting EVERY Wednesday, so I have taken my own interpretation to Wednesdays . . . by turning them into “making” posts. Sometimes it’s knitting, but sometimes it’s other projects or baking or flower arrangements or . . . something. What if you did “creative Wednesdays?” (Related to Unraveled, but . . . Not.)
I like wildcard Wednesday! And some plants/flowers and cats are always good.