I'm going to warn you right now, the photos in this post are all of…
Weekend Glimmers, September 13th-15th, 2024
Glimmers . . . moments that spark joy, contentment, and peace, making me feel that all is well and I am right where I belong . . .
If I’m going to be completely honest (and I’m always completely honest with the blog) my glimmers this weekend were pretty fleeting. Oh sure, it was fine, but it wasn’t . . . glimmer-ful. Or maybe the stress of having my living room torn up and the impact on the rest of my house is making those glimmers harder to notice.
We hosted our last pergola gathering and it was lovely. The night was warm and comfortable and I really treasure the friendships we have established and grown because of this tradition.
We went to Jackie’s soccer game on Saturday afternoon. It was fun to see them playing a little more like a team than they had the week before. They still have a long way to go when it comes to understanding (and staying in) their positions but I’m having a good time watching.
Dale was out working with his band Saturday night and the cats and I retreated to the bedroom where I ate sushi and watched my go-to comfort show, Grey’s Anatomy. The highlight of the evening was when they spied a stink bug on the wall and it’s literally the only photo I took all weekend and the reason I took it was so I could send it to Dale and let them know that Fred & George were providing great security and protection from invaders large and small.
And Sunday was the usual late breakfast, prep for the week ahead, some reading, and some time on our deck. It’s a good escape from the mess of the house!
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Mabel, too, is great at spotting stink bugs and then destroying things in her path trying to reach them. I took down curtains this weekend to wash and there were loads at the top of them in-between the folds. Hoping your renovations move along quickly!
I am feeling the discombobulation of your house and I am so sorry… the “in process” stage really sucks! But I am so glad that Fred and George are such good “Guard Cats”!!!
Good work Fred and George! And I’m glad you got to spend time on the deck – what a day!
That is hilarious! Guard cats! I had a close friend that had a Siamese cat that liked to hide under the couch and attack when I sat down on the couch. I have to admit, I had no love for that cat. She went after me teeth and claw. Hang in there with your renovations, Carole. You are going to love the changes.
Oh . . . renovation is SO disruptive. Especially when it’s happening in the main areas of your house. Hang in there — and keep your eyes on the prize. It WILL be worth it in the end, even if it’s pretty miserable in the doing. And . . . I’m so glad F&G are entertained by the stink bug. Because they are worthless creatures as far as I can tell (the stink bugs, of course . . . NOT F&G!!!). XO
Always hard to see those glimmers through construction dust. Eyes on the prize! You’ll be so glad you did it.
Please don’t keep us in suspense … did F&G get the stink bug? I am glad they are a two-cat security detail!
Thank goodness you have Fred and George to protect you when Dale isn’t home! I shudder to think what might have happened to you if they hadn’t been on the case. 😉
I hope the renovation disruption is resolved soon. It’s hard to feel completely comfortable at home when home is in a state of disarray.