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Weekend Glimmers

My weekend went by in a flash and most of it wasn’t documented in photos. #badblogger

On Friday, I met up with Doreen and we had facials and lunch. It was such a treat because I love a facial and I love my friend and hadn’t seen her since June. We caught up between appointments and over sandwiches and made plans for cookie baking and other fun things.

On Saturday, with Dale’s help, I dug up all of the dahlias. There were 26 plants and you can see them in the photo all lined up on my walkway. This is after they have been rinsed off to remove as much dirt as possible and they are drying in the sun. We brought them in that night and then on Sunday I spent 4+ hours dividing all the tubers. I didn’t count (I should have) but most plants had around 10 tubers each, some had more and a few had less so I’m guessing I tucked away around 175-200! I wished them a good sleep and told them I’d see them in the spring.

All of that dahlia labor left little time for much else although I did manage to cook dinner on Saturday night and make soup on Sunday night. I didn’t get to read much but I did spend some time in my studio with my journals and we finished the current season of Only Murders in the Building.

Oh! One last thing! The living room is finished! I mean, mostly. The hearth and fire place surround went in on Friday and that was the last major thing left. We still have to hang art work and there are a couple of things on the punch list but it’s 99.99% done.

Here’s a view from the chair where I sit with Dale each night and we catch up on our day.

And here’s the view from my end of the couch where I sit and watch tv or read.

I’ll do a full reveal soon but it’s going to take some time to sift through all of the photos we have, most taken by Dale, to fully document the project. I’ll just say that I love it so much and I have to keep pinching myself because I can’t believe this is my house.

I hope you had a weekend full of good things.

Comments (13)

  1. WOW! That’s a lot of dahlias. There will be a whole lotta planting come Spring. A facial and lunch with a friend sounds like a perfect day. BUT…..your renovations take the prize. The room is gorgeous Carole! Looking forward to more pictures.

  2. Your weekend sounds quite glimmery with all facials, dahlias, and best of all, enjoying your living room! It really is gorgeous and worth all the time, disruption, and $$.

  3. OH my goodness! You are a dahlia gardener extraordinaire! That’s a lot of dahlias. Your LR looks so good, Carole! It looks lovely and serene, and I love your built in shelves and your FP hearth and mantle. You must feel very good about your choices! Maybe it will give me the umph I need to proceed with my updating ? Probably not, I am stalled out. 🙂

  4. Talk about a plethora of glimmers! The dahlias… just wow! That is amazing!! A prolific little bunch, aren’t they?! And your new space! The bits you’ve shared are just so incredibly lovely! Bravo to you!! And I am so excited for the Big Reveal! XOXO

  5. Even the sneak peek of your living room is gorgeous. And from the sounds of your garden work, your outdoors will be gorgeous next season. Very good glimmers.

  6. I’m so happy you were able to spend time with Doreen! I love your new living room, it looks so different and beautiful!
    What did you store your dahlia’s in?

  7. Oooh, it’s been ages since I had a facial! That sounds like a lovely day with your friend.

    I’m so happy for you!! Your living room looks AMAZING! I love that you love it so much!

  8. As I said on Instagram, I can’t wait for the full reveal!! So lovely. So inviting!

    We’re currently in a rental (house on the mountain still not built {now into legal steps}) but I’m vicariously loving all the dahlia content. Can’t wait to get into an actual home where we can participate in the annual show! I can tell all the effort is worth it by the beautiful photos posted all over the internet.

  9. Wow! That looks great! I can see why you’re so happy with the renovations. And now I see how you had so many beautiful dahlias!!

  10. Now I know how you manage to have so many gorgeous dahlia every year — and how much work it takes to get to that point! I’m so glad you had some good quality time with your friend (and more coming up with cookie baking). Looking forward to the full renovation reveal!

  11. Okay. Just gotta say it. That rug. . . it really pulls the room together. XOXO
    I am so impressed with your dahlia growing. It takes a huge gardening commitment to tend to all those tubers and go through all the work of digging and cleaning and storing. You are a dahlia magician! And I’m so glad you got to spend some fun times with Doreen. What a wonderful treat.

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