It's time to put the fall session of Read With Us behind us and that…
Hello, December
I love it when the first day of the month falls on a Sunday or a Monday. It just feels . . . right, ya know? It also sort of feels like December snuck up on me. I think, even though our house is finished, that I’m still dealing with some of the fall out of that and I just feel a little . . . behind . . . on everything.
Stopping time isn’t one of my super powers, though, so onward we go into this very special month. My calendar is already filling up with obligations and gatherings and I’m looking at it carefully, planning out time to slow down and savor all that I love about December. The lights and the pretty decorations everywhere. The special foods we eat only at this time of year. The tears that brim our eyes when we think about the people who mean the most to us.
I hope December lives up to every one of my expectations . . . and yours, too.
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Exactly! XO Happy December!!
I don’t know why, but the older I get, the more holidays seem to remind me of all the people that aren’t here. But I’m making plans for as peaceful a December as possible, and my plans are extending into January for (hopefully) even more peace then.
Naturally I’m looking forward to greeting a new member of the family (no news yet), but otherwise looking to keep everything simple and easy.
December is a hard month for me, but I am lining up my activities and books so that I can cuddle down and enjoy it as much as I can. I hope you have a fabulous December, Carole.
I think that no matter how prepared we are for this time of year, we always feel behind and like things are rushed. Maybe it’s because the days are shorter? In any case, I’m sure you will fill your time well and get the most out of this busy season!
While I’m sure your sense of time is all discombobulated from the renovation, I think it’s also . . . that lull time after the election AND the fact that Thanksgiving fell so late in November this year. Everything feels smushed together right now, and pretty much everyone I talk to feels the same “crunch.” Happy December anyway! XOXO