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Three On Thursday, Now With Cats

Today I have 3 recent photos of Fred and George to share with you. They perfectly illustrate their distinct personalities.

First up, George:

Alone by the fire. He’s definitely the more aloof of the two and he loves to relax. He’s far less active than Fred and is content to sleep for long stretches of time.

And Fred:

In a box of fall decorations that I was putting away. This little guy is mischievous and always into something. He’s super inquisitive and sprints around the house like he’s training for the track team.

Finally, Fred and George together:

If you can’t tell, George was asleep on the couch first but then Fred wanted to join him. Rather than settle in next to him, Fred chose to plop down right on top of George. I can literally hear him whispering, “make room for me” and George muttering back, “there’s a whole big couch here, do you have to be so damn close?”

And that’s Fred and George in a nutshell.

Comments (11)

  1. Hilarious! (and tell Fred that Frankie is marathon training with him… remotely! LOL) That last picture though… yes, I can hear those thoughts exactly!

  2. Our two were similar. Maybe it’s a requirement for a pair of kitties, like one spouse wants the heat up and one does not? They sure are cute.

  3. I love seeing their personalities shine out in your photos, Carole! My favorite thing here? That you can see Fred’s “mischief” so clearly reflected in his eyes . . . as he sits there in your fall decor. Love it! XO

  4. I’ve often wondered how you tell them apart and now I know! Even though they have different personalities, I can’t imagine them living apart. I’m so glad you adopted both of them.

  5. This made me smile so big! I miss my pets very much. They are entertaining, they all have different personalities, and it is obvious you love them both. I kinda think I’m with George these days.

  6. They have such great personalities! I’m particularly amused by Fred just trying to squish himself in next to George and winding up on top of him.

  7. That’s so great. I love that photo of Fred in the box of decorations… you can just see mischief-maker in his eyes!!

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