Shows up and you aren't prepared. You didn't take any photos over the weekend. You…
Weekending, Conference Style, Jan 24th-26th, 2025
Well, dear readers, despite all of my worry, the conference was terrific. The hotel was beautiful, we found our way to the various meetings and spaces without difficulty, Dale arrived via Uber without issue, and I felt inspired and energized just from being with my fellow municipal officials.
The theme of the conference this year was Connect 351, representing the 351 cities and towns in the commonwealth and there was plenty of connection to be found. Friday’s keynote speaker was Suneel Gupta and he was fantastic, focusing on leading our communities by caring for ourselves first and then others. Saturday’s keynote speaker was Matt Lehrman and he was equally as great, helping us to see our way through conflict to conversations and resolutions. I was able to attend a break out session with him as well that was just for the Select Board Association and that was very powerful and helpful.
Our Governor, Maura Healey, and our Lieutenant Governor, Kim Driscoll (pictured above) spoke together on Friday morning and they have a great way of tag teaming each other that’s fresh and exciting and very different from a typical political speech about budget and policy. I attended the WEMO (Women Elected Municipal Officials) Lunch on Friday and that’s always a highlight of the conference for me. It’s really wonderful to be among so many other women who serve their communities and I always enjoy the conversations that occur around the table.
The Boston Convention and Exhibition Center is quite large and walking from the hotel to the exhibit halls and meeting spaces took some time! They accommodate for that with electric golf carts that run in a continuous loop from the convention center entrance to the escalator going down to the exhibit halls. We all took advantage of that more than once and next year we know to wear sneakers for the conference!
The receptions we attended were great, with plenty of delicious food and free drinks. I had everything from jumbo shrimp cocktail to mini lobster rolls to cheeseburger sliders to whoopie pies. The vendors see the conference as their way of saying thank you to the cities and towns who hire them and we are more than happy to take that thanks in the form of food and drink.
I was so happy to run into my niece Danielle’s husband, Jose, on Saturday morning. Jose is a City Councilor in Springfield and it was so good to see him. He snapped this quick selfie of us and Hannah told me later it made it to the family text group. (I feel I should explain that I call Danielle my niece but technically she is not, since she is the niece of my first husband and my title as her Auntie ended when we got divorced back in 1997. But Danielle and her sister Chloe and I have maintained our bond and still call ourselves family, even if it’s not a typical connection.) Really, finding someone you consider to be family at a conference with over 1200 attendees is a major deal.
One thing I haven’t mentioned, since I was waiting for it to be official, is that I will now be serving on the MMA Board of Directors for the next 2 years, representing District 4 for the Select Board Association. I applied for this last October and went through an intense application and interview process that was, from what I understand, very competitive with lots of people applying for a position. I am really honored to have been chosen to do this and a little dismayed to find myself serving with people I consider to be a BIG DEAL in the world of municipal government.
And that’s my take on this year’s MMA Conference. I am looking forward to next year already, especially now that I’ve learned the lay of the land in the Seaport district. Remind me of this next year when I start getting anxious about it again, though, won’t you?
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I thoroughly enjoyed your post. I am a 74 year old retired woman who forged a career in engineering and manufacturing when I was a young woman. It gladdens my heart to see women engaged in meaningful and important work. My path was challenging and full of obstacles but I persevered. I hope in some small way I have helped today’s working women pursue their path. Blessings to you and your family.
Congratulations on joining the MMA Board of Directors. It is wonderful to hear about good things in government, especially at a time when we’re hearing about all the awful things on a national level. Next year I’m going to remind you about all the great food and drinks!
Hey There! Didn’t we all tell you it would be fine? So nice to read that you had such an awesome time. And congratulations on joining the MMA Board.
Congratulations on all counts! No anticipatory dread next year, Carole, you will remember this good time.
What a great way to start my Monday! Thanks for sharing your joy and triumphs!
Congratulations! You did it on many different counts. Happy Monday!
Congratulations!!! And thank-you!
Congratulations on the new position — very well deserved, I’m sure! I’m glad (though not at all surprised) that you had a great time. Also, how cool is it that you have women for your governor and lieutenant governor?!
Face it, Carole, YOU ARE A BIG DEAL!!! Congratulations!
I think it is just amazing that you ran into family at this conference! And, yes… I am nodding along with Vicki… You are absolutely a big deal and I am so glad others are noticing it! Congrats, my friend! XO