It's time to put the fall session of Read With Us behind us and that…
Twenty Years
Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah was at a friend’s house. Dale and Luke were duck hunting. And I was inexplicably bored.
I sat down at the desk in our little den and I turned on the substantially sized desktop computer (It was a Gateway, remember those?) and I created a Movable Type account and started this blog.
It was a terrible post with no photos and pretty bad writing. But it started me on this journey and I’m so grateful for that.
In twenty years I have written 4,645 posts and received over 88,500 comments. To be honest, I don’t get the views or the comments that I used to but perhaps that’s because I’ve got a blog called Carole Knits that isn’t really about knitting. And that’s okay because life changes and evolves. Knitting is still something I do almost every day but there’s more (much more) to my life than knitting.
When I started this blog Hannah was 12 and you all have watched her grow up in photos and stories I’ve shared. You’ve celebrated with me as our family grew and we added grandchildren. You’ve been there for me during times of grief and sadness. You’ve supported me when I’ve doubted myself and you’ve cheered for me in moments of celebration. You’ve read books I’ve recommended and shared your own stories and feelings with me.
Thank you for all of that. For every comment. For the friendships we’ve created. For the silly stories we’ve shared. For the moments of connection.
We have built a community together and I’m so glad we’re here.
Congratulations Carole…..that is quite a feat to have accomplished. I know I have enjoyed your post over the few years but I do have to admit, I do skip over the knitting ones.
Congratulations, Carole! Happy Blogiversary!!
Wow! 20 years!! Happy Blogiversary Carole. I’m not sure (can’t remember) when I first discovered your blog, but I’ve been enjoying it for years. Thank you for taking the time to post!!
Twenty years of, well, anything is an accomplishment. Your accomplishment has built a community, encouraged creativity, broadened perspectives through sharing your own writing and recommending that of others, and entertained/challenged us. Thank you for all of that. My schedule has changed so that I’m not always an early commenter, but I do try to catch your posts at some point. Thanks for continuing to invite us in.
I’m so glad you’re here. Norma sent me your way all those years ago. You’re my first blog every morning and I’m always glad to see the little ‘1’ by your name in my Feedly! Thank you for sharing your life with us. Happy Anniversary, Carole!
Congratulations Carole, Happy 20th
Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, book recommendations, and knitting with us. I breeze through, but don’t comment much
Congratulations, Carole! That is an accomplishment and it’s amazing to me how many connections are formed through blogging. I feel like I know you even though we’ve never met in person – hopefully that will happen someday!
Thank you, Carole, for taking the time to share your life with me! You have created an oasis of reason, books, and comaraderie in this space that I have found to be very special over the years. Your blog has been a virtual companion to me through many hard times, and I owe you much gratitude for that.
Congratulations! You’ve been very successful at it, otherwise I wouldn’t still be reading!! You were there for me when I needed more connections when a back situation prevented me from getting out and around. And I found we had so much in common. Thanks for all the years.
Congratulations Carole! It has been OUR pleasure.
Next year, we can legally celebrate with champagne!! haha.
Congratulations, Carole! It’s truly amazing. I can’t imagine my life without the connections, friendships, inspiration, enlightenment, enrichment, perspective, and love (among other things) that blogging has given me. Thanks for keeping on…
Congratulations, Carole! 20 years is quite a milestone. Thanks for continuing to blog. I still love reading/writing blogs. Thanks also for your book recommendations.
Congratulations on two decades of blogging! It’s mind-boggling to think of all the changes that have happened in the time, both in life and in the world of technology, but it’s also nice to know that this way to connect is still going strong!
Congratulations, Carole! I started reading your blog because of knitting, but I’ve especially enjoyed your book recommendations, recipes, photos, and musings on life. Thank you!
Congratulations, Carole! And, thank you for sharing with us and inspiring us over the years!
Congratulations, Carole! I’ve been with you for about 19 of the last 20. Thanks for sharing, inspiring and encouraging all of us. And that goes for more than just knitting!
20 years! Wow. It’s just hard to fathom . . . So glad we had the opportunity to become friends — blog friends AND real friends. XOXO
Twenty years is quite the achievement and a inspiration for those who are still so new to this craft of writing. Thank you!
Congratulations!! My blog turned 20 last June, but you have been so much more dedicated to your blog than I have. I am so happy that we got to know each other all those years ago!