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Sock Stash

Hi. My name is Carole and I have a sock yarn problem.

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It’s a little scary that it took 4 pictures to capture all of my sock yarn on film. There’s enough yarn there for 39 pairs of socks. Whoa.

Now granted, some of it, like the Cherry Tree Hill, could be used for shawls and scarves. And some of it is crap yarn that I bought back when I didn’t know what to buy. But still. There’s some great stuff there. Like Vesper and Socks that Rock and Opal. Honestly, most all of it is gorgeous yarn that needs to be knit up into gorgeous socks.

I love sock yarn. I love buying sock yarn. And I have no intention of stopping.

My name is Carole and I don’t have a sock yarn problem at all.

Comments (57)

  1. Carole, you really should warn people that you’re posting PORN pics!! Yarn Porn!! Oy! my heart!! 🙂

    Hunny, my collection makes yours look anemic if you can believe that! I’m actually *afraid* to count it all!

  2. Your sock yarn collection looks like my sock yarn problem, only better 🙂 What problem? I can stop anytime someone unplugs my net connection!
    Love the collection. So yummy. So much yarn we find hard to get here.

  3. And this is a problem why? It looks like such a pleasure to own this. Your colors are exquisite, your taste is impeccable, and you actually USE it. Just email me the urls, please.

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