Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
Wallpaper? What Wallpaper?
Well, well, well. All that advice about ditching the wallpaper and going to WEBS? Nice. Very nice. Too bad WEBS was already sold out. However, after reading the post and the comments, Dale offered to drive me out to Grafton on Friday night. Who knew the blog could be a tool for marital communication?
So, off we went to Grafton. We arrived at Classic Yarns at almost the same time as Judy and Cindy. Dale doesn’t know either of them but they were both waving to him from their car. He turned to me and said, “Ummm, I think those might be friends of yours over there.” And Judy told him, when I introduced them, that they recognized him from the blog. It always cracks me up how we “know” each other before we actually meet face to face. Laurie was also already at the shop – she snuck up behind me and gave me a big ole hug. Sandy and Claudia arrived shortly and we all ducked out for a quick visit with Stephanie, Linda Roghaar and her mister, before Steph had to give her talk.
The yarn shop was exceedingly small and packed to the gills with knitters and bloggers.
I hung in the back, allowing those who didn’t know the guest of honor, to move to the front to hear her speak. Besides, there was too much knitting and gossiping and planning going on in the back of the store. I didn’t want to miss out on any of that! While I was hanging out, Cece told me that the plug I gave for sponsoring here in the Breast Cancer 3 Day had gotten her some sponsors. But, she could always use more. Just saying.
I was so happy to see Mamacate and Marcy! I know we’ve discussed Cate’s status as my spinning wheel pimp, and it’s still true. But all I can say is that I’d better stay away from Marcy. I’ll have to move to a bigger house to make room for all the wheels she wants me to buy.
After the yarn shop there was dinner with a whole gaggle of knit bloggers.
left to right, Cate, Stitchy, Wendy, Jackie
The Boston girls were there in full force – Stitchy, Wendy, Jackie, Maryse and Kellee. Both Kate and Kristen had driven down from Maine and Kat had driven down from New Hampshire. Theresa was there, too. And Maryse’s husband Joe really does exist because he was there. Until we scared him off, anyway. Special thanks go out to Amy Sue who hooked us up with a fantastic spot for dinner! I understand the margaritas were excellent but I stick to my usual martinis.
We didn’t get home until after midnight but it was worth it! The rest of the weekend was all about painting and wallpapering but letting those things slide for a gathering of friends was definitely the right thing to do.
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We have no idea why Webs said that the spaces were “sold out”. From what I heard, more people could have attended.
I missed her talk, but I did get there in time to have my book signed. But Marcy told me all about Friday night; it sounds like it was LOTS of fun! 🙂
So glad that you made it! Sounds like a blast — missed you guys!!
I wish I could have gone, even though I’d been in Cambridge on Thursday. (Missed dinner though. Had to get home.) All I can say is I hope Steph keeps crankin’ out the books so we can all meet more often.
joe wants to read my blog now.
he says he was really tired though. and not frightened off at all.
heh. I knew the wallpaper didn’t have a chance. Good for you.
YAY!!! I’m so glad you were able to go!
Friends are way more important than that bit of home improvement.
Looks like a blast!
Woah! I could never keep everyone straight. Sounds like a blast!
Sounds like fun. Wallpapering totally sucks. Are you guys any good at it?
Good for you. And nice of Dale to drive you there. Something, you need the carrot at the end of the project. The nice thing about being an adult is that you can have your carrot at the beginning of the project if you’d rather!
Isn’t it weird how we “recognize” each other, even having never met face to face? I knew Cassie (TooMuchWool) FROM BEHIND at Rhinebeck last year, and spotted Norma halfway across the main building! It’s also weird that WEBS said “Sold Out”…there were plenty of spaces in the function room at the Clarion. Go figure. Maybe they didn’t want the business at the store afterwards, he he.
What a great excuse for a party! It was great fun to see you and meet the Mister.
Good prioritization.
It sounds like you had a wonderful time! I bet you are glad to be at work today recovering from all the home improvement work! 😉
I was SO HAPPY to see you and to meet Dale. And how did I miss that picture being taken? I think I was too excited to eat the chips.
Don’t know how I missed it before, but my donation when in today.
Oh my gosh, how fun! I’m jealous 🙂
Dale gets my vote for most awesome knit-blogger husband. (I know he’s already been elected, but hey, I didn’t know you then 🙂 Not only did he drive you out, and hang out with us and was just oh so cool, but also, the Bud-visor?
Need I say more?
Oh, I’m so glad to hear that you went and that it was fabulous!
I think Dale deserves some major points for reading your blog and getting you out of the house! Sounds fun and I did drink a margarita for you on Sat. thinking you’d be wall papering and missing out on all the fun. Now it seems I missed out on all the fun and need to go lift another rita for me!
It was a terrific Friday night!
Oh, I’m sooo glad you got to have some fun and friends this weekend too! It makes it easier to do that other stuff, doesn’t it?
I have got to get out of the house more! But then I’d have to move to a place that has a bunch of knit bloggers, so I guess I’ll just stay in and knit, and live vicariously!
Looks like great fun was had by all!
You know, I saw you mentioned on Sandy’s blog, but didn’t make the connection–you weren’t “supposed” to be there! But I’m so glad you were able to go! Good for Dale.
Fun times!
It was great to see you guys on Friday. Dale ROCKS! Does he realize that he’s officially part of the crew now? He doesn’t even need to knit, just being able to be happy and charming among knitters and able to help us come up with the perfect names for our projects is enough. Budvisor. So simple, yet so brilliant. 😀
Time with grrlfriends should ALWAYS win out over anything else;-)
It was nice to meet you again! 🙂
Carole, it sounds like you had an amazing time! I think it is funny how meeting fellow knitter bloggers in person is sort of like seeing the face of someone you already know really well – makes for a good gabfest! I was laughing as I read this and I have never met any of those bloggers in person 🙂
Sounds like fun – and what a sweet hubby!
Yes! He can be taught! Hoooooray!
Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I’m glad you had a great time..
It was great to see you again! We went to canyon cafe BEFORE the event… so I couldn’t really justify going back… now I wish I had.
Jackie scares me in that picture. She must have voo-doo’d me into that $10 drink! 😉
Sounds like an awesome and wonderful weekend. Way better than wallpaper any day!
That sounds like so much fun!
I hear the real time to go to Webs is the tent sale in May. The perfect thing to do before moving cross-country, right? I mean, I need something to pack with my valuables to protect them.
Great to meet you on Friday. Love the run-down.
I am glad you got to go to Stephanie’s talk. I am envious. I live in Kansas and never hear of such gatherings out here. Consequently I will have to live vicariously through you New Englanders……..LOL. And to think I moved from Vermont to Kansas and thought it was a great thing……LOL. Actually is was for me. I moved home. Just wish I heard of more people out my way who knit. Have a great day, All.
I think martini drinking librarians are way cool!Had a great time seeing everyone!
Makes me wish I lived closer *sigh*
Did I actually neglect to comment here? Must have been some sort of silly *work* thing. Sigh.
Great, great great to see you. And I can’t even begin to hold a candle to Marcy’s wheel-pimp status. I’m but a mini-pimp next to her. Be very afriad. 🙂