Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
Connecticut Sheep & Wool
On Saturday Blogless Sharon, the Evil Spawn of Blogless Sharon (aka her daughter, Heather) and I headed to Connecticut Sheep and Wool. This was only my second fiber festival, my first being New Hampshire Sheep and Wool last year. Of course, I wasn’t a spinner last year, so I really did feel like a fiber festival virgin this time around.
CS$W is a small venue and I think that’s a good thing. It’s not overwhelming and it’s not overly crowded. And yet it’s full of all the things that matter. Like sheep. And alpacas. And fiber. Lots and lots of fiber. Wanna see my haul?
I actually showed great restraint, I think. In the top photo there is some merino/silk roving in a color called “garnet,” a really nice circular needle holder, and some merino/tencel roving that’s charcoal grey – and very slick and soft. In the other photo there are two skeins of laceweight alpaca, colorway eggplant, some Navajo Churro roving and a beautiful shawl pin. And that’s it. I came home fleeceless.
While the shopping was fun, honestly, the best part of the day was meeting up with other bloggers. Isn’t it always? I actually had three bloggers that I had never met before recognize me. As in, “Aren’t you Carole? From Carole Knits?” I have to say, I thought that was really cool. Especially considering that last year, when I went to New Hampshire, I knew no one. And no one knew me. I literally introduced myself to Norma and said, “I’m Carole from Carole Knits. No one knows me.” Now Norma and I are friends. Real life, honest to goodness friends. Isn’t blogging amazing?
My dear friend Cate had a brilliant idea and organized a Blogger’s Potluck Picnic. There were people I consider to be real life, honest to goodness friends at this picnic as well as people I’d never met before.
And we had a fantastic time! As always, when bloggers gather there is lots and lots of really good food. There was also lots of talking and laughing and knitting! I’m not even going to attempt to link to everyone – because I’d leave people out. If you were there, sing out in the comments so people can find you.
I know many of you are gathering at Maryland Sheep $ Wool this weekend. I hope you have a wonderful time and meet up with like minded folks, just as I did in Connecticut. And somebody buy me a fleece fer cryin’ out loud.
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You can get your own fleece at New Hampshire! Seriously, the only way to pick it (other than impeccable references) is to sink your hand into the bag. Your hand will know. The look on the face becomes one of awe, and noises out the mouth are mosly incoherent utterances of pleasure. Then you get out the credit card. At that point, you have no further need of enablers.
I LOVE the look of that photo. It looks like it couldn’t have been a better day for a picnic. And yes, honest to goodness, blogging is THAT amazing! I’ll see YOU next week in NH.
Oh, an invitation to enable! Lots of evil grins and cackling going on in blogland right now. You need fleece? Get in touch with Mary Pratt for really fine merino, rambouillet, crosses and nice romney or Alice Fields for some outstanding cormo or plunge yourself into some amazing polwarth with Mad Hatter Woolery.
Ooh, that merino/silk looks incredible! You really did show excellent restraint. I expected some fleeces!
I’m surprised anyone recognized you, actually; you look so damn young in person 😉
Ok, still need to know what pattern you used for the socks. It doesn’t quite look like the raindrop lace pattern to me. Regardless, they’re great!
and it looks like you had perfect weather too! are you planning on Rhinebeck in the fall?
Oh, nice haul! I haven’t bought a fleece yet myself. Note the “yet” in the previous sentence. I wouldn’t have the foggiest idea how to pick one out either. So, I’ll let someone else pick one up for you. 😉
I’ve had the same “journey” as you, except that I was too shy to introduce myself to bloggers in NH last year. Saturday was spectacular! On to New Hampshire . . . xoxoxo
Here I am, singing out!! It was so nice to meet you on Saturday – and I’m so impressed that you finished your socks so quickly (I’m SSSLLLOOOOWWW). Knowing all the great stuff that was there, I’d say you showed incredible restraint. I love what you chose though.
Ooooooh. I didn’t even know about CS&W, but I couldn’t have gone anyway. I can’t go to MD or NH or MA either. (Looks like Grant and I will get a little R&R together Memorial Day weekend. For some reason he doesn’t want to spend it at MA S&W. Men.) I have my sights set on Maine. No doubt you will already have a fleece by then. (You are more than welcome to any of the fleeces in my garage, if you really want them.)
The very best part of that photo is that I’m not in it ;o)
It was great to see you again!!
Sounds fabulous, and I would say that is great restraint. You going to NH? You can get your fleece there…..
Oh, what fun!! Yeah, yeah, nice fiber and all (great colors!), but what’s that little, swirly silver thing in the second photo?
That looks like such a fun idea! And your haul doesn’t look so bad, either. That’ll keep you busy for a while, at least 2-3 weeks.
Looks like a good time as always! I now go to the festivals for the kick ass people, the fact that yarn and fiber are there is just a bonus. I wish I could make it to NH but it isn’t looking good since graduation is the same day. Sigh!
Your haul looks beautiful. I love the Garnet!
Looks like you had a wonderful time and the roving you picked up is beautiful! I really like the garnet.
Meeting other bloggers that you’ve only read must be really exciting.
Oh, I can’t wait for my first sheep and wool!
That looks like soooooo much fun!!
Looks like you had a wonderful time beautiful rovings!
I can’t wait for that to happen in Estes! What is the red/cream object (a bag?) between your roving. I think I want it;-)
Beautiful fiber! And the potluck picnic sounds like it was fun :o)
That’s a nice haul!
nice haul! can’t wait to see what you do with the gorgeous eggplant yarn – yumm.
what a cool idea, the blogger’s picnic – how fun!
I would say that you showed alot of restraint (I’ll bet your hubby didn’t leave you a note saying to spend lots of money on that day, did he??). 🙂
Sounds like it was a wonderful day!
Great to meet you person. I felt the same way last year about not knowing anyone, so there’s much to look forward to at NH S&W. Hope the weather’s as fine. I got a similar needle case, (for dp)didn’t she have some pretty cases!
Estes is going to be my first encounter with other knitbloggers in the real world – I’m afraid I’m going to have that “no one knows me” problem, too. Regardless, I’m looking forward to it!
Ooooh, I’m so jealous because I was so close to buying one of those needle cases.
Gorgeous rovings! And that picnic looks like it was so much fun. What a nice day!
I dig the Garnet. That’s going to be amazing when you spin it. Promise it’ll be something lacy someday? 😉
Laurie is right — you need to buy your own fleece. New Hampshire or Cummington will fit the bill nicely.
I was tempted by those funky handmade needle cases… I only held back because my DH bought me a Lantern Moon case at Christmas… so, I really don’t need needle case… *sigh*
I can’t wait to see how that merino/tencel spins up. Yummy.
I love all the loot you brought back, and especially the tencil and the shawl pin!
Never fear. There will be plenty of great food and fleece in Estes Park.
Sounds wonderfully fun! I was sitting in the hospitality room at the Midwest Master’s and someone yells out, “Is Chris from Stumbling Over Chaos here?” Hee hee.
That looks like so much fun! Good job on the purchase restraint.