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Boston Knit Out ’06

Sandy emailed me last night and asked me how the Knit Out was. Kathy (who I met in person for the first time at last year’s Knit Out) emailed first thing yesterday morning with the same question. So I’ll tell you guys what I told them. The Knit Out was fun. But the Hanging Out was better.


I went in with Blogless Sharon and her daughter, Heather, so you know the traveling part was fun. We got to the Common a little after Noon and there were lots of knitters although maybe not as many as I remember being there last year. I’m sure the dreaded weather forecast kept many away. Truly, though, the weather was fine. There were a couple of brief showers and that was about it. The sun even broke through for a time. Sadly, it was too warm for the wearing of knitted items! That didn’t stop me from dragging Moth along with me, though. I was even persuaded to show it to a handful of people.

Sharon and Heather and I did form a little knitting circle to watch the “Show and Tell” portion of the Fashion Show. In the interest of full disclosure I should tell you that I may have been coerced into bringing out the Moth again. Why do I always feel like I’m showing off when I’m asked to show my handknits? It’s hard to be humble with a shawl as gorgeous as this one but all I did was knit it. It’s the design that’s the brilliant part.

Anyway. We decided we were hungry so we headed in search of food. We bumped into other blogging buddies along the way and wound up all together at Fajitas and Ritas. There was beer and pulled pork and a lot of laughs with some old friends as well as some new ones.


After being fed and watered we went shopping. Of course. At Windsor Button. Of course. But guess what? I didn’t buy a thing. Nope. I admired the Sea Silk and some Mistis Alpaca laceweight. I perused a book or two and may have even gotten a bit catty with Adrian (pass the meow mix, please) but I didn’t make a purchase. Proud of me, aren’t ya?

All in all it was a very fun day. I got to knit and hang with my peeps. It really doesn’t get much better than that.

Comments (38)

  1. You should NEVER feel like you’re showing off with your stuff. It’s gorgeous, and it’s fun to see what others make.
    Looks like you all had a great time. Sorry we never made it over to that part of town. It would have been fun to travel along and watch you NOT buying stuff.

  2. You should be proud to “show and tell” your knitted items. It is an accomplishment to handknit something. And the shawls are stunning and must be oohed and aahed over!
    The Knit Out looked like such fun. To think I was home doing laundry…

  3. Sounds like fun! I stayed home because I just couldn’t stand the thought of one more rainy event. Looks like the rain held off though. I should have sucked it up and gone.

  4. You must think I’m a real show off then. 😉 The way I look at it, it’s the sharing of the excitement and passion for fiber arts, be it knitting or spinning.

    It was great hanging out, as always.

  5. I agree with Dave and Karen that you shouldn’t feel like you are showing off when people ask to see your handknits. They are gorgeous, and considering the time and effort you put into them, handknits should definitely be shown off. Besides, when you are with a group of knitters, they completely understand what went into it.

  6. Yikes, I am a look about as drunk as I am in that photo. It’s a miracle I didn’t buy everything at Windsor Button.

    I had a lovely time with everyone!

  7. Sounds like a great afternoon — I also love the Sea Silk at WB. And that awesome shawl, I’d be parading around town wearing it! 🙂

  8. Heh, never thought we’d see the day when Carole reached critical mass and doesn’t feel the need to buy anything. It happens to the best of us, m’dear. 🙂

  9. I’m glad the weather cooperated and everyone had a nice time. I don’t think showing your knits is the same as showing off. It’s good to be proud of all that hard work and all knitters enjoy looking at other knits I think.

  10. Sounds like a great day to me! And you would be doing a disservice to knitters to NOT show off that shawl – it’s inspiring. 🙂

  11. **Persuaded**?? I’ll bet they had to twist your arm really hard.

    I am proud of you, though. I don’t think I could have resisted the Misti.

  12. I agree with Dave; sometimes in our knitterly little world, we forget that other people can’t even conceptualize trying to knit stuff we consider easy-peasy and you have every right to feel proud and receive accolades for devoting your creative juices to working a beautiful pattern, even when someone else has designed it! Beauty has to be made manifest before it can be admired.

  13. I am drinking it in like a blogging knitter on a deserted island! 🙂 Thank you for sharing it with me. I almost feel as if I made it there.
    No. I don’t.

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