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Happy Anniversary, Baby

This morning Dale woke me up saying, “13 years ago today I married my soul mate.” I told him that was pretty convenient because I did, too.


Yes, it is our 13th wedding anniversary. There won’t be much special celebrating today, though, since I have to go to Town Meeting tonight and Dale has a Boy Scout meeting. We celebrated over the weekend, though. We had a lovely dinner out at Solstice on Saturday night and yesterday we did a bit of shoe shopping (always good in my world) and then had a late lunch with Hannah. She peppered us with questions about how we met, when we started dating, when we first kissed, and how we knew we wanted to get married. It was fun to relive those times with my little girl, especially since she was so young back then that she doesn’t remember any of it.


I remember it all, though, and it was a happy and exciting time. And sure, it’s not as exciting now that we’ve settled into a comfortable married life. But it’s better because now it’s solid and lasting. We still do exciting and romantic things like dancing in the kitchen and making out in the car but it’s the daily routines, the rides to work together, the cleaning up the kitchen together, the laundry and the cooking and the passing of seasons that have turned us into a happily married couple.


I guess that’s just what happens when you marry your soul mate.

This Post Has 54 Comments

  1. Happy Anniversary! How wonderful to hear that two people have found the love of their life. I’m so happy for you my friend.

  2. What a beautiful couple you were! And are. Not because you haven’t changed, we all do, but because you’ve grown together. Enjoy it, you’ve earned it.

  3. Yes, but who is that handsome couple of teenagers in the photos!? ;^) Wishing you many more.

  4. Happy anniversary to you both! I’m glad you had a chance to celebrate this weekend. What kind of food is served at Solstice? I like that name for a restaurant.

  5. Happy Anniversary! I love the look you’re giving the camera in the final photo – it’s got such satisfied determination. And his? He’s got “Honeymoon!” written in that smile! Enjoy your day!

  6. Awwww, Happy Anniversary! So glad you got to celebrate this weekend, and how neat that Hannah was so interested in all the details 🙂 Happy that we are now a part of your life … and wishes for you to celebrate many, many more happy anniversaries!!

  7. Beautiful pictures! You all look so happy in them. And glad to hear you still are! Happy Anniversary!

  8. I was going to make some sort of librarian joke, but I couldn’t think of a good one, and I bet you’ve heard them all already. Pretty, pretty pictures.

  9. !Felicidades! It’s nice to know you cultivate contentment daily. 🙂 Happy Anniversary to you both, may you share many, many more.

  10. Happy Anniversary to you and Dale! Those pictures are wonderful. Ours was Saturday but we were so busy with other stuff that we didn’t do a lot of celebrating it. We just spent a great day at the fair with our girls which was perfect!

  11. congratulations to both you and Dale.
    Two such wonderful people deserve each other 😉
    I look forward to hearing about the next thirteen wonderful years!

  12. Happy Anniversary! What lovely pitures you shared. You are so lucky to have found your soulmates. I know this because my husband and I have found ours, and I know how lucky we are because I know so many people who have not been so lucky.

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