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16 Candles . . . And Then 30 More

Hey Everybody,
Today’s post is written by my darling husband, Dale. Enjoy!

What is it with all those songs about turning sixteen? 16 Candles, You’re 16, Happy Birthday Sweet 16, Sweet Little 16. What about the rest of your years?

Sure, 16 is a big year to celebrate your transition between childhood and adulthood but I don’t think the year 16 should have a lock on songs about age. I just don’t think that any one birthday, even the 16th one, should take precedence over the rest. Every birthday should be monumental. Every birthday is important. Every birthday is the end of another year with family and friends, another year of living and loving, another year of making a difference, of dreaming and hoping and just being alive.

This is why I look forward to birthday celebrations with Carole. She gets it. She gets that birthdays are important. She gets that they are a time to reflect and a time to look forward and (probably the part she likes best of all) a time to celebrate. You probably know, if you read this blog regularly, that I celebrated a “monumental” birthday earlier this summer. Believe me when I tell you that Carole went above and beyond by throwing me a monstrous birthday bash. Why? Because she gets it.

Birthdays aren’t just about the ones that have special status like “sweet sixteen” or “21 and legal” or “over the hill.” Every birthday is important because each one celebrates the end of a special year and the start of a new one. Carole celebrates everyone’s birthday within her circle of friends and family so on this day I am asking all of her friends to make her birthday today a special one by simply sending her a birthday wish.

For my part, I’ve decided to steal one of those sixteen songs and rewrite the lyrics, with apologies to Johnny Burnette, just to show that every birthday really should have it’s own song.

You come on like a dream
Peaches and cream
Lips like strawberry wine
You’re not sixteen
But you’re still beautiful
And you’re mine!

I definitely like that last line the best! So Happy Birthday darling, let’s make it a good one because remember, (don’t look now but I’m about to quote another song) you still rock me like a hurricane!

Comments (66)

  1. Happy birthday to one of my favorite bloggers, one whose posts I never miss! I hope you have a lovely autumn day for your celebration, and please know everyone in Louisiana is even now getting ready for when you and Dale make it down here!

  2. Happy Birthday Carole! Sounds as if you both “get it”. Here’s hoping you also “get some” {wink, wink}!

  3. Well said Dale! What a lovely way to show that you “get it” too.

    Happy Birthday Carole! You are fabulous and I’m happy to call you my friend. I hope that you have a wonderful day!

  4. Happy Birthday Carole! Have a wonderful day filled everything you love and cake, lots of cake or margaritas, lots of margaritas. Enjoy:)

  5. What a beautiful affirmation of love and life! Have a great birthday filled with all the thing you love, Carole! Jo

  6. Hi Carole,

    I hope you have a fantastic birthday and enjoy lots more “knitterly” years.

    XX Irene

  7. What a great post by Dale, and I absolutely want to join in the chorus of ‘Happy Birthday Carole’! Party hard and make sure there is some yarn or fiber in there!!

  8. Happy Birthday! Wishing you lots of celebration and fun with friends and family and all the best for another year! 🙂

  9. A beautiful day for a beautiful person! Carole does “get it;” one of the reasons she has so many people who love her!! Happy Day!

  10. Carole,
    hope you have a wonderful day today and that this next year will bring you good friends and good times. What a lovely message from your sweetie!!

    Congrats to your loving Dale – you both “get it” keep it on.

    Didn’t realize all that was going on in 1965 since I had a new 6 mo old. Lots of good things happening that year, too.

    Have a great day!

  12. Awwww, in case you hadn’t noticed, Dale “gets it” as well 🙂 So happy that you two are still celebrating, together, and enjoying each other to the fullest! Love to you both, and the happiest of birthdays to my dear, dear friend. Mwah!

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