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Cape Cod Vacation Week One

Our first week of vacation was wonderful. We had the kids with us and some friends came for the weekend and Kim and her family were only 2 blocks away. It was fantastic! Here are just a few photographic highlights of our week.


And now we begin week two and I’ll be back with more photos and maybe even some stories at the end of the week.

Comments (15)

  1. I could squeeze that cute little seal! Fried clams look so darn good. And of course, your Color Affection is looking lovely – as expected with those great shades of yarn you chose.

    Enjoy the rest of the week!

  2. what a treat in my feedly! (my ten on tuesday folder has been a lot less active this past week 🙂 looks like you’re having a great time, but really, what’s not to love about sunshine (and sunsets) at the ocean, cute seals…and fried clams!!

  3. Add me to the ‘missing you’ list. Good to see you haven’t been wasting any of that vacation time though. Party on.

  4. Hope you are having a great time in my favorite place, Cape Cod!!! Your photos are so professional and just beautiful.

  5. Man. I am late to the party. It looks like a glorious time! But is there another option when going to the beach? I think not.

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