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Meet Garrett Lee


Want to meet a new little friend of mine? He’s absolutely adorable and his name, as you might have guessed from the title of this blog post, is Garrett Lee.


I had the pleasure of hanging out with him, his mom and his big sister back in June when he was a wee little newborn.


He’s a big 5 month old now but look how tiny he was when he was only 10 days old, all squooshed up in his mama’s arms. So peaceful and serene.


You may remember Garrett’s big sister, Reagan. I photographed her when she turned 2. Now she’s a charming little girl, all prepared to show Garrett the ways of the world.


Some day in the future Reagan is going to be furious with her little brother for some transgression or another. I think Rachael should keep this photo close by to show to her when that happens. Maybe it will remind her of how sweet they can be to each other. Maybe not but it’s worth a try.


Welcome to the world, Garrett Lee. I think it’s going to be a better place just because you’re here.

Comments (8)

  1. Both children are adorable and your photos really show their charm. Sibs have times of not getting along but many loving moments at any age (that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!)

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