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Three On Thursday

Yesterday’s post struck a chord, huh? I’m so glad and it was great to get feedback and hear your stories and stand in solidarity with you all! To answer any questions you may have had, no, I did not walk out and I’m glad I didn’t. The other two speakers were terrific and I would have missed the stories they shared. The other thing is that it didn’t really hit home with me during the discussion, it was mostly after it was over and I started reflected back on it that I realized what they had done. If I could ask you to take away one thing from my experience it would be that we have to recognize the role women play in our own subjugation and then we have to learn from that and find a better way to communicate with each other.

Today, we’re moving on to something that always brings me joy: my garden. I think it’s high time I show you how it’s progressing. If you need a refresher, check out this post and see how it looked last year before we planted anything. And this is how it looked just about one month ago.

Things have changed a lot! And I’ve got 3 pictures (surprise surprise) to show you just how much.

Everything is growing! The window boxes are looking great, those red geraniums are a classic and are thriving in this cool-ish rainy-ish weather we’ve been having. The salvia is blooming and the hydrangeas are leafing out and the sedum has expanded beyond belief. Kym, the genius behind this whole front bed redo, shared with me this rhyme about a new garden:

the first year it sleeps
the second year it creeps
the third year it leaps

I’m in year two and this is creeping . . . I can’t wait to see what leaping does!

If you wrote a post for today please share your link below and, as always, thanks for playing along!

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Comments (19)

  1. It’s maturing nicely. I’m intrigued to see the geraniums like that weather. They thrive here in full sun when it’s hot and dry. I can tell you that diligently dead heading them will be well rewarded. Enjoy that beauty!

  2. It looks just great, Carole! 🙂
    (If all goes to plan, y’all won’t need as much mulch next year!)

  3. Your garden is looking quite lovely! Isn’t it fun to see those plants take root and make themselves at home?

  4. I love watching your garden come into its own! You weren’t very happy with how your house looked when I there many years ago (2008?) but the changes you made are really beautiful and they play up the strengths of the house. Your window boxes, the deck, pergola and other additions have made the house a real showcase. Way to make it your own, Carole!

  5. I LOVE your window boxes-very Charleston, SC!!!!!!! Your garden looks amazing-enjoy!!

  6. Kym is right, it will probably leap next year, but it’s looking very fine this year. My hydrangeas are huge this year, and they are blooming like crazy. In fact everything in my yard has done well this year. My gardenias are blooming more than they ever have, and I think it is due to all the rain we have been getting. Your beds look fabulous, Carole. A garden is always interesting, yes? It’s a very visual reminder that everything evolves. I hope you have lots of good weather to enjoy all your hard work.

  7. Love the window boxes. I’ve made very little progress in the flower business this summer. I have a feeling it will wait until our train trip in August and I’ll jump into fall. Maybe next year . . .

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