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Watercolor Wednesday

Local strawberry season is here!

Comments (11)

  1. Great, now I want strawberries and groceries aren’t happening till Saturday. And they still won’t look as good as these.

  2. I love your picture!

    I bought a box of strawberries at Walmart yesterday, and I can’t remember the last time I had a whole box of them where every single berry was ripe. Only one had a “bad spot” and they were sweet, too. Oh happy day! My husband only likes strawberries that have been frozen (I think it’s a texture thing, maybe) and I have discovered that if I macerate them with sugar and a bit of Cointreau he likes them that way too. So nice to be able to share these beautiful berries with him.

  3. YUM!!! We have a very small crop and picked 3 (yes only 3) the other day, but they were not sweet. Bummer. I’m feeling the need for shortcake!

  4. Maybe my favorite fruit. Great watercolor, Carole! Since I have not been going to the store, I’m afraid you have made me reconsider – LOL! ENJOY!

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