If September is all about getting back into routines, October is certainly about preparing for…
Hello, January 2023
It’s the first second Monday of the month, time to welcome January and set some intentions . . .
When I think about January, I think about stillness. I think about quiet. I think about contemplation. To me, it’s a time to move into the new year carefully and with consideration for how I want to spend my time. It’s not about resolutions and changes, it’s about welcoming a new year and season with mindfulness and purpose.
This year that looks like planning time for movement, making time for rest, and allowing time for creativity. Those are things I strive for every month but it always hits a little different when it’s the first month of the year. In the past I would say it has felt heavier but this year my aim is to make it feel lighter. To make it resonate with my purpose and my soul. To make it exactly right for me and to accept, at the same time, that what’s exactly right for me can change at any moment, whether by design or the need for an unexpected adaptation.
Welcome, January!
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I’ve always loved a fresh start to the year (or even just a new month). It always seems to hold such promise. I think Flexibility is key – being open to new ways and ideas, but enjoying some cozy traditions as well. Here’s hoping that 2023 brings us all what we need/want.
Thank you for posting this! Your words of hope are just what I needed to lighten this month! Hello January Indeed!
Well said, especially with the addition of flexibility!
I am going to contemplate what you have said today, Carole. I really dislike January and February, so I need to see how I can make it lighter, which BTW is a great turn of phrase.
Here’s to it Carole! I like the way you think.
I am laughing at your assertion that yesterday was the second Monday — boy, was it ever!
January always feels a bit depressing to me. The holidays are over, the weather is usually crummy, and we all have to go back to our normal schedules. So I like your approach of seeking to make January feel lighter.
These intentions put words to my desires for the new year. When I make a plan for movement or creativity, I either feel guilty for not meeting my goal, or become so goal focused that it’s no longer fun. And rest… that doesn’t happen if I’m not intentional about it! Saving your words to look back on this year.