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Currently, October 2024

It’s the mid point of October and that means it’s way past time for a check in on what’s going on in my life right now.

Knitting: Patrick’s Musselburgh hat. It’s been weeks since I’ve picked it up but I did last night while we were watching tv and after about 2 rows I found myself with a major tangle in the middle of the center pull ball. I’ll be working on getting that sorted before I can knit again but I’m eager to get to it and that’s a very good sign.

ReadingThe Rich People Have Gone Away by Regina Porter. I only just started it yesterday afternoon and haven’t gotten very far with it.

Listening: I’m doing something I call Taylor Swift 101. I’m going back and listening to all of her albums – every song – in the order that she wrote them. Not in the order that they were released because I’m choosing Taylor’s Version when possible (IYKYK). It’s a big time commitment but as someone who really only started listening closely when Midnights came out almost exactly 2 years ago now, it feels worthwhile to listen to her entire catalog.

Watching: The Harry Potter movies. We started earlier this year with rewatching all of them and then took the summer off but made a plan to finish by Halloween. I still love them.

Eating: I’ve been on a yogurt and (homemade) granola kick for breakfast lately. Leftovers for lunch whenever possible. And comfort food for dinner to honor the cozy season we are entering. I made a meatloaf last night and it was so good and I’m very excited about the meatloaf sandwich that means I will be having for lunch. Also making lots of pumpkin bread!

Planning: Things we will need when we (finally) move back into our living room. New curtains. An area rug. Possibly new end tables and a new coffee table. We aren’t there yet but we are getting close and we actually moved the couch in for the weekend so we could enjoy the new gas fireplace and it was awesome.

Loving: Getting a facial. I had one Friday at a new to me place with a new to me esthetician who is also the daughter of good friends of ours. It was amazing, I seriously love love love a facial. I’ve already got my next one booked and Doreen is going to go, too.

Not loving: People who spread disinformation, rumors, and outright lies on social media.

Anticipating: Election Day. It can’t come soon enough! My anxiety has been ramping up for the last 2 weeks, sleep is elusive, and I’m both hopeful and terrified of acknowledging my hope.

How are things for you right now? Thanks for reading!

Comments (9)

  1. Hooray for wanting to knit Musselburgh! I’m finishing up a hat for Justin and plan on casting on another one. I think you’re brave to listen to all of TS and watch HP, almost as brave as anticipating Election Day. I’m just fearfully dreading it and afraid to feel hopeful.

  2. Yarn snarls right when you’re ready to dive back into knitting is such a bummer. Love the idea of a Harry Potterfest leading up to Halloween. I might squeeze in at least one. Any chance you’ll share that meatloaf recipe? I didn’t grow up eating meatloaf and it feels like something I should make at least once.

  3. I swear . . . home improvement projects are the ultimate give-a-mouse-a-cookie adventure! (But FUN!) Do you know that I have seen ZERO Harry Potter movies? I have read all the books, but I’ve never seen the movies. And I’m okay with that. 😉 And I just can’t stand this whole election cycle. So much trepidation . . .

  4. Sounds like lots of good things going on in your world. It’s exciting to redecorate after making changes. I hope you enjoy every minute of the process, Carole. I am always surprised by the changes in my decorating tastes after a few years.

  5. I hope you have fun re-decorating! I’m trying to cope with Election Day stress by distracting myself with various projects, but can’t wait until it is over!

  6. Lots of good things happening, especially decorating your remodeled space! Bummer though about the tangle…that’s never fun. Can you believe I have never had a facial? It sounds wonderful! Uggh, the election is causing me so much anxiety. I will be happy when it’s over.

  7. You know, I’ve been having trouble falling asleep lately, even when I’ve been tired, and I didn’t even think of it before, but election anxiety may very well be part of the problem. I’m not sure the anxiety will completely go away when Election Day has passed (depending on how the vote goes), but at least it will mark the end of the incessant ads!

    Glad you’ve been able to enjoy the fireplace already. Here’s hoping the rest of the room isn’t too far off!

  8. oh I love the comfort things – the food and the facial especially! and 100%+ with you on the discomfort with ALL the election stuff. Things are tense here. My centering practices are getting a workout.

  9. I have been predicting it will be Kamala in a landslide, but I am getting nervous, too. Not that I think t***p has a snowball’s chance in hell of being elected, but strange and unexpected things can happen.

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