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Hello Monday

I hope your holiday prep, whatever you’re celebrating, is going along just the way you want. I’m up to my ears in Swedish meatballs, last minute baking, and a few errands. But I won’t be like our dinosaur friend here, and you shouldn’t be either.

Ask for help when you need it!

Comments (11)

  1. Just one more collar to sew down and then some wrapping. And enjoying being in the midst of celebrating friends and family with lots of leisurely meals.

  2. I have to make a cheesecake today, some crescent rolls tomorrow, and aside from those things, I’m just going to knit and try to stay warm. No help needed (so far)!

  3. A great reminder, Carole, LOL. And if you can’t find help, just live with what you’ve got and be glad you’ve got it!

  4. One more Christmas Tree/Snowman to finish, and the bags to gift the gifts in, and I’m done on that front!

    Going to stuff the roast this afternoon and have it ready to go for Wednesday.

    My help will be the grands (7 and 3) who are here for the week (and next) since school is out.

    Thanks for the snowflakes falling down my computer screen. It will be the only winter weather we’ll see down here. 72 degrees forecast for Wednesday. ;-/

    God Jul to you and yours!

  5. Merry Christmas Carole! My last minute baking will be tomorrow when I make some kind of dessert to take to Mailing’s parents on Christmas Day.

  6. The fact I missed this yesterday should tip you off how things are going. But, Christmas is coming anyway and spreading gift arrivals out courtesy of Amazon and USPS isn’t terrible. Merry Christmas, to you and yours.

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