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Weekend Glimmers, December 27th-29th

I’ve been enjoying a lovely break from work, reveling in the post holiday glow of doing whatever I please. Frankly, that has mostly amounted to eating leftovers and hanging out, and I find nothing wrong with that. I might make an attempt at being slightly more productive this week, but I’m giving myself until next Monday to truly ease back into the business of daily life.

In the meantime I am enjoying the lights on our tree.

Spending time with Fred & George, who love to help me when I’m using the laptop.

And occasionally leaving the house for fun stuff like the Enter the Haggis concert in Plymouth last Friday night.

I hope you’re enjoying this in between time, too.

Comments (7)

  1. What a lovely time you have had! I’m doing somewhat the same – being lazy and giving myself the gift of time to get back into the swing of things. Happy 2025!

  2. These Wednesday holidays are conducive to hanging out, doing what you want, and of course, there are cookies that need to be eaten before they get stale! Enjoy!

  3. I think this time between Christmas and New Year’s is really meant to be a time for rest and recovery. Even if our holidays are quiet, I think we can all use the time to regroup before work and life commitments start up again in January. And hey — those leftovers aren’t going to eat themselves! Enjoy the rest of your time off.

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