Weekend Glimmers, Jan 10th-12th, 2025

It was a relaxing and mostly at-home weekend once again, as is my preference this time of year.

On Friday I finished a book (The Blue Hour by Paula Hawkins – meh) and actually started a pair of socks. Who am I, right?

We enjoyed our usual cocktails and snacks and listened to Peter Paul and Mary in honor of the recent passing of Peter Yarrow. When I tell you that I found myself weeping while listening to Blowing in the Wind, well, I hope you can understand. Really, how many times can a man (woman) turn his (her) head and pretend that he just doesn’t see? That song is older than I am and it still resonates so deeply, particularly now.

Saturday was date day and it was Dale’s turn to plan an outside the house date. I wasn’t surprised that he took me to Plymouth as it is his go-to whenever he’s faced with making a choice of where to go. It was snowy and romantic and, even though we’ve driven around that town hundreds of times it was sweet. He took me to a restaurant I’ve been anxious to try and it was a really nice afternoon. We were home by 6:30 and watched a few Outlander episodes and called it a day. I also took the only photo of the weekend.

Sunday was groceries and planning for the week ahead. I made a loaf of sourdough bread and continued my Soup Sunday tradition with Italian Sausage Stuffed Pepper soup. Hannah dropped by for a visit and, as Sundays often do, the day flew by all too quickly.

And here we are on Monday. Let’s have a good week, eh?

Comments (9)

  1. The answer is blowing in the wind, Carole, and I completely understand why you cried when listening to that song. That song is a perfect description of man’s inhumanity to man that will never end. But since we are powerless to do anything about that, let’s do what we can to live our lives as joyfully as possible. You and Dale seem to have the abiity to do that pretty consistently, and I am impressed. Go forth and have a great week.

  2. Sounds like a perfect weekend Carole. Off to listen to Blowing in the Wind. Brings me right back to some strong family memories of singing that song.

  3. I remember singing that song at camp. I wasn’t old enough to understand it, but it still felt sad and important. Sounds like about as good as a January weekend can be that doesn’t involve going someplace warm and sunny. Let’s make it a good week.

  4. It makes one realize that things never really change… the words of that song are indeed prophetic.

    I hope your weekend glimmers carry you through the week! XO

  5. That song was on my mind all weekend too. We had watched the Folk Hall of Fame the other week and seeing Peter, Paul and Joan Baez just got to me. I know you know what I mean. I’m glad your weekend had glimmers and here is to the week ahead – may it bring you joy and laughter.

  6. NPR played just a bit of Puff the Magic Dragon when reporting on Peter Yarrow’s death and I got a little misty eyed at that. I’m sure that Blowing in the Wind would make me weepy, too. Maybe I’ll play it next Monday …

  7. Oh . . . Blowin’ in the Wind . . . sigh. When I was in middle school, I taught myself to play the guitar, and that is one of the songs I played over and over and over. (And your date night with Dale sounds just perfect.)

  8. Sounds like a lovely weekend, even if it did go by too quickly! I’m sure soup and freshly baked bread were the perfect foods for a chilly Sunday.

  9. That sounds like a lovely weekend, Carole! I’m laughing at Dale’s predictability (’cause Rusty’s the same)… glad you had a nice time & tried out that new restaurant!

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