In light of not having much of interest to post about right now . . . I give you …
How’s the weather where you are? This is mine: We’re experiencing temps in the 50s with a predicted high in…
When I can’t think of anything to blog about, I know it’s time to do a Right Now post …
As November draws to a close and the merriment of December is upon us, let’s take a look at what’s…
Summer is slipping away and signs of fall are starting to show in the temperatures I’m feeling and the leaves…
It’s almost the end of July, something I find hard to believe! Before the summer slips away, let’s do a…
It’s been a while since I’ve done a post about what’s happening currently. And also, I can’t come up with…
Happy Monday, dear readers! Here’s a look at what’s going on here, currently. Reading: Wish You Were Here by Jodi…
How about a random gathering of thoughts and things that are happening around here? Reading: Memorial by Bryan Washington Knitting:…
Loving: Our Christmas bedroom. This is year 2 with the gray walls and I adore how that neutral background allows…
I don’t want this blog to be all-corona-all-the-time but also, it’s sort of in my thoughts all-the-time and since my…
I always love reading Right Now posts when you all write them and I haven’t shared one since October. It’s…