There comes that moment every day in the life of a blogger. The moment when you think: crap. I haven’t…
First up, new boots. Animal print faux fur booties. Squeeee! Let’s see, what else . . . Oh! Yesterday a…
The problem with changing Ten On Tuesday to Ten on the Tenth is now I don’t know what to blog…
Ready for a brain dump? Let’s go. That grape jam I made the other day? Didn’t jell. Damn it. I…
Here’s some stuff that happening and some stuff that’s on my mind right now . . . Washing: All of…
Here’s what’s going on in my world, right here, right now. Remembering: What a fun time we had at the…
Here’s what happening in my life right now. Reading. . . Life After Life by Kate Atkinson. I am enjoying…
It’s been a while since there’s been a random post around here and I’ve got a lot of disconnected things…
(random picture that has nothing to do with this post; it’s the quilt on the end of my bed and…
I think my blog used to be a lot more entertaining than it is these days. I think this because…
I’m feeling random but not totally random. That means it’s time for some lists of 3. random picture of random…
I was going to just do a Wordless Wednesday post today because I’m having a hectic week and don’t have…