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That vacation recap is going to have to wait just a leetle bit longer. I have a very very good reason for postponing it, though.

Today is my daughter Hannah’s 22nd birthday!

hannah at raw bar for carole knits

Over the years I have written lots of blog posts about Hannah. There have been first day of school posts and first job posts. First car posts and first legal drink posts. Prom posts and graduation posts and lots and lots of birthday posts. All of those posts make it sort of difficult to come up with something new for her birthday today. She’s still much the same as she’s always been. She’s still working at a special needs school (full time for the moment) and working on that college education (she is thisclose to being done), she’s still loving her Volvo and hanging out with her friends, she’s still living at home and eating too much sushi and she’s still – despite her age – my little girl.

Happy Birthday, Hannah, and cheers to many, many more!



Comments (15)

  1. Happy Birthday to a beautiful young woman with the world before her. Enjoy your day, Hannah, and may it be full of celebration, joy, and love!

  2. It seems like yesterday that all of us were asked to vote on which HS graduation picture we liked the best. Time flies!!
    Happy Birthday, Hannah!

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